
A branch of Ponificus, BYONDHost offers hosting of BYOND worlds (surprise) and DMCGI scripts. View inside for rates and specifications. Please direct all questions to [email protected]. Thanks.
Sweet! I'mma bookmark this, I may be able to afford this later on.

I couldn't quite tell from reading the site... Does that webspace include the ability to store your game files for download, as well, like so you don't have to do stuff like me and put them up on tripod? Also, if it is what I think it is, what would be the access to your site for your games? Would it be
In response to Kunark
Kunark wrote:
Sweet! I'mma bookmark this, I may be able to afford this later on.

I couldn't quite tell from reading the site... Does that webspace include the ability to store your game files for download, as well, like so you don't have to do stuff like me and put them up on tripod? Also, if it is what I think it is, what would be the access to your site for your games? Would it be

Yes, you can host files or a site. Whatever you choose. Also yes, it is I'll update the site to clarify.
The links are hard to read on the red border image.
In response to Smoko
The site design just generally stinks. I'd work on it some more. Why do you need a seperate page for each section when it could all fit on one page, save the tutorial? The images on the tutorial should have a border, or the site's background should be non-white. Right now, you can't easily tell where the tutorial ends and the images begin. I'd suggest getting the structure of the document in place first. Organize the info and then worry about fancy stuff like images and colors. There's no need for a whole html page to be dedicated to a single sentence, it reflects badly on the site.

In response to Xooxer
Xooxer wrote:
The site design just generally stinks. I'd work on it some more. Why do you need a seperate page for each section when it could all fit on one page, save the tutorial? The images on the tutorial should have a border, or the site's background should be non-white. Right now, you can't easily tell where the tutorial ends and the images begin. I'd suggest getting the structure of the document in place first. Organize the info and then worry about fancy stuff like images and colors. There's no need for a whole html page to be dedicated to a single sentence, it reflects badly on the site.


I'm not going to try to pass myself off as a decent web designer. I'll border the images in the tutorial, but I don't think it really matters. If people buy hosting from BYONDHost, it won't be because of web design, and I don't want it to be. Further more, the one sentence pages are merely fillers. I will replace them sometime soon.
In response to HavenMaster
HavenMaster wrote:
I'm not going to try to pass myself off as a decent web designer. I'll border the images in the tutorial, but I don't think it really matters.

For me, at least, it really, really does. I generally associate bad web design with a lack of credibility. I personally believe that your service is credible, but others may not.
In response to HavenMaster
Honestly, I don't trust this service no matter how pretty it looks, but that's just me. Other people, however will only have your website to base their judgement on. If your website looks like crap, then they will assume the service will likewise be crap. I'm not saying a good design will guarantee you a boatload of customers, but it won't scare them away either.

If your website isn't complete, (it's, what, 5 pages? How hard is that to do?) then what assurance do we have that the service is complete? Your website is your salesperson. Would you hire a slob to sell sports cars to rich kids?

Fix the website if you want, or not. It's up to you. Just know that it is all we have to go by when trying to decide who's services we will patronize.

In response to Xooxer
Xooxer wrote:
Honestly, I don't trust this service no matter how pretty it looks, but that's just me. Other people, however will only have your website to base their judgement on. If your website looks like crap, then they will assume the service will likewise be crap. I'm not saying a good design will guarantee you a boatload of customers, but it won't scare them away either.

If your website isn't complete, (it's, what, 5 pages? How hard is that to do?) then what assurance do we have that the service is complete? Your website is your salesperson. Would you hire a slob to sell sports cars to rich kids?

Fix the website if you want, or not. It's up to you. Just know that it is all we have to go by when trying to decide who's services we will patronize.


I do intend to fix it up - as I said, it's only a temporary setup. I am curious, however, why you don't trust it "no matter how pretty it looks."
In response to HavenMaster
Well one, Its because you are affiliated with it. Now, are you a spokes person for "BYONDHost" or just someone advertising? Because if so, I would not buy service from a person who has a grudge against me. Simply, because I may get ripped of my service. Just my two cents, No flames intended.

In response to HavenMaster
I generally don't trust any service that may be offered by the majority of my fellow BYONDers. Business is serious. uh, business. I like to know I can trust the people running it not to go off on some tantrum and wipe out all the files of people they don't like, or have their ventures bite them in the end because of basic naivete. If it looks promising, I might give it a shot for small stuff, and if it works out, I might host a game.

Hard truth is, though, most businesses have to earn the customer's trust, it's not a given you should expect.

In response to Xooxer
BYONDHost is a branch of SGS Ponificus, if my memory serves me correctly. The company that owns Ponificus isn't going to let BYONDHost throw a wobbly.
In response to Elation
From what I hear, the company that own Ponificus are a bunch of lawyers who have no real interest in BYOND.

In response to Elation
Elation wrote:
Ponificus isn't going to let BYONDHost throw a wobbly.

I don't know what the heck that means, but I like it. :P

I have to sort of agree with the thoughts here. I'm a bit leery of anything run by a Byonder. At this point, the track record for Byonder run hosting companys is not so good. Not that those doubts can't be overcome. Long term, respectable affiliation with Byond, or strong, professional representation of services offered, {preferably some combination of the two), would make me more likely to overcome any misgivings and give it a shot.

I do wish you luck. We definitely need some reliable hosting companys.
In response to Wizkidd0123
I recently payed for BYONDhost. It was a wonderful purchase, and HavenMaster has been very faithful to help me fix anything and help me with anything I've needed. He was very quick to let me get started, and it's been a very good experience thus far. I hope you all decide to try it out.
