I know this is old, but I could care less.

I have just remembered the site "", he is some young indian kid who makes sites wiht front page -_-.

And he gets all famous for doing it, but what the hell is up with that? Its not that hard to make sites with front page, and who really cares? HTML is as easy as the albhabet.

And it only gets like 00.01% harder if you add CSS too it, and then if you do valid XHTML you dont eaven raise the difficulty, and if you do its only raised by 0.00000000000000001%.

Then microsoft let him use the domain microsoftkid, and they payed somone too cancel theirs when it was called mickrowsoft.

The world is getting really bad if they think that this formula is true:
Frontpage + Little indian boy = Genius

Anyways, thats the end of my rant. Whats your opinion of this?
Let's see, we have an ex-Nazi pope, a imperialist superpower waging bloody wars complete with torture while preaching morality and accruing a crippling debt, an Asian nuclear power lead by a madman who knows no one can really stop him, poverty and starvation still running rampant world wide, etc.

I hardly worry about some poor kid hitting a jackpot.
So you are jealous of a six year old? If it makes you feel any better the whole thing with him was justa spectacle to amuse people and collect publicity.

I seriously don't see what you are whining about here. Mikerowesoft knew what was coming. How else do you think Microsoft got where it is today? They have legal teams and people scouring for any sign of competition, or in this case something that they felt could harm them. May not be rational on their part, but they don't let their guard down easily. It's the old Microsoft seek-n-destroy. They did it to Netscape, WordPerfect, Lotus, and Novell. And they thought they were just hitting something before it began. They probably didn't even read the site.

The kid is famous because he's cute. He makes flashy little webpages and everybody loves the adorable page and the adorable boy. Now when a politician or a very powerful person wants to collect some of that fame for themselves they do public appearances with him.

Don't get so worked up over it.
Smoko wrote:
And it only gets like 00.01% harder if you add CSS too it, and then if you do valid XHTML you dont eaven raise the difficulty, and if you do its only raised by 0.00000000000000001%.

PHP even, a simple language that would make it even better. PHP is so simple I learned it in 2 days. I have yet to try out Javascript yet, but I'm assuming that won't be difficult either.

Unfortunately, people don't care about how good you are as long as you can get the job done. Now that people have the tools to do everything themselves without knowing the least bit of how it works, our worth goes down a few points.
In response to Jmurph
Jmurph wrote:
I hardly worry about some poor kid hitting a jackpot.

i'm more worried about kids like you getting your facts screwed up. ex-Nazi Pope? hello? he's *German* not a Nazi. there's a huge world of difference there. ok, yes he was cajoled into the then Hitler's Youth Group unwillingly- so that makes him a Nazi? He was registered in the Hitler Youth, the Nazi party's main organisation for indoctrinating young people.

But the enrollment was automatic and that he was later let out because of his studies for the priesthood.

Yes, the world is getting worse when people like you believe what tabloid news tells you (this nonsense originated from Britain's Sun and Daily Mirror tabloids).
Ajay's resume:

"Ajay started using computer since age of one & a half years. Ajay can use with ease Microsoft products like Word 2000 , Excel 2000 , PowerPoint 2000 , Outlook Express , Internet Explorer , FrontPage 2000 , Access Database . Ajay can himself send out emails with attachments. Ajay even scan pictures , record video mails and email or talk live on internet. Microsoft Thailand had gifted Ajay with FrontPage 2000 for making web site which he has already mastered. The site that you are seeing right now is made by Ajay himself using FrontPage 2000."

ZOMG, hire him right away. ¬_¬

Word 2000!? How on earth did he handle that thing!?

"Ajay can himself send out emails with attachments. "

He's six. Most of us are still playing Mario and G.I. Joe at the age of six, not designing webpages or doing anything productive. Get off it.

In response to Polatrite
Polatrite wrote:
He's six. Most of us are still playing Mario and G.I. Joe at the age of six, not designing webpages or doing anything productive. Get off it.


Ppfftt, he has every right to insult the small child.

I mean, it's a small child.
In response to digitalmouse
Better than Hitler Youth, though I am well beyond the years when anyone has called me "kid".

Oh ho ho, good man, I do not believe you are the one with the facts straight.

Fact: Benedictine/Ratzinger was a member of Hitler Youth, a Nazi indoctrination group. It is true that membership was made compulsory in 1941. Two years later, he joined an anti-aircraft unit that defended a BMW plant that used Dachau labor. Unlike many Germans, he never resisted and didn't desert until 1944, shortly before the German surrender. While these alone certainly don't make him a loyal Nazi so much as a passive collaborator, his statements on the matter don't help. Speaking about the events, he claimed resistance was "truly impossible" and that he never fired a gun, nor was it even kept loaded, because of a badly infected finger (which leaves one to wonder if he would have acted differently had he been fine). He has never apologized for his actions as far as I can tell.

Hardly fitting for a man who claims to believe in the implacable will of God (perhaps he should read the story of Daniel some time). Because he did not stand up for his supposed beliefs nor even give passive resistance in the face of horrific evil (he saw people being shipped around to camps) perpetuated by the Nazis, I have no problem calling him an ex-Nazi, and feel a bit generous at that.
In response to Elation

"Ajay can himself send out emails with attachments. "

He must be very flexible to fit down those wires, eh?

Sounds kinda like Yoda wrote that line :-/
In response to Polatrite
What the hell are you talking about? I was making web pages with frontpage when I was six, its nothing special.
Wow, with frontpage at age 6?!Big deal.I was doing HTML when I was 7, without frontpage. And to let you know, Microsoft makes a big deal about everything.
In response to Merciless Warrior
How the hell could anyone have trouble using any microsoft product? Thats not including the mass amounts of spywear, viruses and flaws in the code.
In response to Polatrite
Polatrite wrote:
He's six. Most of us are still playing Mario and G.I. Joe at the age of six, not designing webpages or doing anything productive. Get off it.


I'm pretty sure for some of you, at the age of six, computers were hardly developed.

In response to Merciless Warrior
Designing web pages is not the hard task; having the interest in designing web pages at a young age is, however, far less common. Most people are driven to create web pages by a passion for accessable communication. At age 6, I played a lot with the Rube Goldberg-ish Widget Workshop. I wasn't aware of it at the time, but I was building valuable reasoning and problem solving skills that I would apply to computer programming later in life, starting at age 12.

The fact is that, while young children are naturally curious about reasoning and communication, they are not usually motivated to apply their ideas in an advanced way until later in life. This child, who is an internet-savvy computer user at age 7, is interesting because of the interest in communication beyond his years.
In response to PirateHead
PirateHead wrote:
I played a lot with the Rube Goldberg-ish Widget Workshop.

Oh mon dieu! I have a demo of that game for our old Mac! But The Incredible Machine totally pwns it =b

But i would have to agree that just about anyone can use microsoft frontpage, excluding of course the poeple in my class -_-
Kusanagi wrote:
Resistance was impossible, one man against Hitler's army really meant nothing, just because he acted cowardly doesn't make him a bad person, or even a true Nazi. Many Germans share the same story as him, as just about every German youth was forced into the Nazi party. I wouldn't doubt that if you were in the same position as him that you would of ended up being a Nazi on paper.

I agree that the Pope isn't a bad person just because he didn't resist Hitler (resistance was very difficult, and had a ery high chance of leading to death), but there were many times during Hitler's reign in which the actions of one person saved the lives of thousands.

Take Raoul Wallenburg, the Swedish diplomat, for example. Oscar Schindler too!
Resistance was impossible, one man against Hitler's army really meant nothing, just because he acted cowardly doesn't make him a bad person, or even a true Nazi. Many Germans share the same story as him, as just about every German youth was forced into the Nazi party. I wouldn't doubt that if you were in the same position as him that you would of ended up being a Nazi on paper.

Tell that to those imprisoned and executed for their resistance. Heck, even his father acively resisted the Nazis. Just because many were silent justifies nothing. Neither does speculating about my actions. It is more meaningful to focus on what people actually *did*. Or did not do, as the case may be.

He was a child - teenager at this time, how many people in those age groups do you know that would stand up strongly for their beliefs, endangering their own lives and the lives of others, or rather, how many kids do you know in those age groups that even have a true clue about what they really believe in? Get over it, you can never know if he was truly for the Nazi party or not, but most signs point to the idea that he wasn't, and I seriously doubt that the College of Cardinals would of elected him if he showed any signs of having Nazi ideals.

A man with a gun watching people being lead into death camps is no longer a child. By the time he fled, he was older than some who had volunteered for service in the US. I would be willing to bet many of the age 16+ "children" who have fought (and died) in American wars might disagree about not knowing what they believe in. Even if his actions are excusable (which I believe they are unless you are, ironically, a moral absolutist) his failure to show remorse is not. What would he lose by admitting he should have resisted as all Christians should when faced by such suffering and evil? Humility is a virtue....

And you can bet his election was political. Even still, please note that I said *ex* Nazi. As in the identifier once applied.
In response to Wizkidd0123
The 8th grade of my school(which I am a part of) took a field trip on the 10th. We visited Marywood U. and got to meet some Holocaust survivors. Was pretty interesting; I got to hear 3 survivors speak.

But at the end, they asked us to sign this petition to try to get the Russian goverment to reveal what happened to Raoul. Just wanted to mention it.
.... Now thats scary, FrontPage makes HTML So easy, and that website just sucks for using FrontPage.
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