Thats like macintosh granting me a professional technitian award for beating there "Kill Barney" Game... Rofl, there were nukes XD. Macintosh only...
when i was 6 there still was not a internet for us ... the school i went to had only just got acorns and then about 3 years later we get the internet then the year after the hole school was updated to (omg) P3
He is a 6 year old kid who happened to get support from Microsoft. Who cares. The world is getting worse, but a little indian boy has nothing to do with it. Who really cares?
Jamesburrow wrote:
He is a 6 year old kid who happened to get support from Microsoft. Who cares. The world is getting worse, but a little indian boy has nothing to do with it. Who really cares? Using chaos theory, I proclaim that this MS Kid is causing all of the sin in the universe! |
Elation wrote:
Jamesburrow wrote: Using the Microsoft Sucks theory... I should be Bill Gates boss, if that kids certified for making a horrible webpage. Then I should be president. |
Joulux wrote:
Even though that site sucks, its amazing for someone at his age. Not really, FrontPage is too damn easy too use. Anyone can make a site like that with it. It's a pitty that all you need to get a decent job in the web dev industry is know how to use WYSIWYG editors. |
Geez, hearing about this now pisses me off. I dont know what gets me mad, probably cause I would throw snowballs at all the taxi drivers around my neighborhood, when I was younger, but that 'Ajay' kid dont deserve that life. o.O
*Sends Hate Mail* |
Hehe, you got digi worked up cause hes German. But, you can tell they choose him because they are still looking for a younger more healthier pope. ^.^
Godz wrote:
Geez, hearing about this now pisses me off. I dont know what gets me mad, probably cause I would throw snowballs at all the taxi drivers around my neighborhood, when I was younger, but that 'Ajay' kid dont deserve that life. o.O I'm inclined to agree. We're just jealous, that's all. I sent him an email claiming I was a 2 year old Linux user. =D |
Godz wrote:
Hehe, you got digi worked up cause hes German. umm... since when did 'living in Germany' equate with 'being German'? dad's from Michigan, mom's from Labrador, Canada, and i was born in San Antonio, Texas in 1967. i've been American far longer than most of you brats been alive. i only moved to Germany in 2000 to search for a better life and better employment (and found both). i did not get worked up over any nationalism, just the posters sad reliance on tabloid press to automatically assume the kid was a happy Nazi, when the man himself has mentioned time and again that it was something he was not willfully doing, nor proud of. obviously he has moved on to far more respectable vocations, and his peers (more knowledgeable about his past than anyone here) have decided that he was the best man for the job. so who ya gonna believe? a bunch of third-rate tabloids who only stay in business because of readers who eat this stuff like candy, regardless of any falsehood the content might imply, *or* people who have lived and worked with him most of his priesthood life, or his own character? |
i did not get worked up over any nationalism, just the posters sad reliance on tabloid press to automatically assume the kid was a happy Nazi, when the man himself has mentioned time and again that it was something he was not willfully doing, nor proud of. Ewww, this is much more condescending then what I would have expected from someone of your caliber. And twists the post to boot (I said ex-Nazi, not Nazi or current supporter and it was just a small part of post's point!). Frankly I am disappointed; I posted facts to back up my assertation why you simply resorted to ad hominem attacks and claims that because tabloids printed some of these facts it somehow makes it less true. I would think you were above such tactics :-( The man did what he did and does what he does; let him be judged for that, just as we all are. obviously he has moved on to far more respectable vocations, and his peers (more knowledgeable about his past than anyone here) have decided that he was the best man for the job. I'll believe facts and make my own opinions. Let others slurp up what institutions try to make them think, if they wish. (Remember, there were both media and church collaborators with the Nazis as well!) And the church has hardly proven to be the most honest institution in recent years, whether it be on the priest scandal, siuations in South America, etc. Individuals within the Catholic church have done great things, but accepting propaganda from *any* organization whole-cloth and without critical thinking is a poor idea. |
Jmurph wrote:
Let's see, we have an ex-Nazi pope, I'm not going to bother explaining to yet another idiot why they're wrong, just accept the fact that calling Benedict a nazi is a petty attempt at an attack on someone who was against everything that group believed in, and his only 'crime' was not opting for execution/being sent to a labor camp, instead of joining the mandatory youth movement/military draft. Benedict was as much a nazi as Leon Trotsky was a friend of Stalin. |
You have to be atleast 17 to join the military in the US, and that's with parental permission only, and you are not put into an active duty until you are 18, and there's a little more paperwork you have to do due to getting parental consent..etc.
He didn't say only recent American wars. I bet there were some young kids in the civil war. I remember reading a story in school called "The Drummer Boy"(Or something close), a short story set before the battle of Shiloh during the American civil war, and the drummer boy was only like 14 or 15.