images?q=playstation+3&hl=en&lr=&oe=ISO-8859-1&sa=N&tab=ii&o i=imagest
They have a lot of different photos of what the
Playstation 3 will look like does anyone here know which one it's actually going to look like.
Also, does anyone else think that Playstation sounds kind of childish that sounds like this building we have that little kids go to I think they should change the name.
![]() May 13 2005, 9:41 am
XxXAlmasyXxX wrote:
Also, does anyone else think that Playstation sounds kind of childish that sounds like this building we have that little kids go to I think they should change the name. The Playstation is childish. It is like the kid at school who is supposedly popular and stays top dog by acting popular instead of actually being a good person. Sony hypes their stuff up way too much; so much so, in fact, that they actually convince people that they like something they otherwise would not like. |
Why do you hate the PS so much? It is a good system with some good titles. I like it the most out of all the systems. I have an X-Box sitting right behind me, so I can say from expierince.
It does come down to an opinion thing though, so I dont expect you to like the PS2 if you don't like it, but don't hate it for the wrong reasons. X-Box hipes their stuff just as much as PS does, it is just a marketing tactic. I am not looking to start a console war or anything, just want to say that your view of the PS seems to be a little warped. "Acting Popular" is half of being popular, the other half is being the most owned game console (discluding PC) in the world. |
Its the one that appears most,
^_^ .. I just saw xbox 360 (or w/e) on tv today. |
RaditzX wrote:
Its the one that appears most, Woh what a sleek new design slim feature, wireless, wait it looks like XBOX 360. I'm getting Ps3, and xbox 360 as soon as they come out hopefully soon before Christmas so I have money to spend on my girl friend otherwise I'm not getting anything for Christmas ;). |
I find this funny that you say the Playstation system glorifies itself by trying to act popular while the new Xbox is revealed with backing by Hollywood stars and placed on MTV for its unveiling.
Scoobert wrote:
Why do you hate the PS so much? It is a good system with some good titles. I like it the most out of all the systems. I have an X-Box sitting right behind me, so I can say from expierince. Sure, but if Sony can't deliver the goods with the hype, then they fail! Fail at stuff! |
But they do, they have some of the most fun games out there. GTA, Grand Tarismo, and Rachet & Clank come to mind imediatly.
X-Box does have its fair share of good games, but 90% of the ones worth playing a second time are on all the major consoles. Halo 2 is the most popular of all the X-Box games, but look at it, it is an ok FPS with a decent, but not great, story line. It is only popular because people don't realize how much better FPSs are on the PC, and thats why Microsoft didn't release it for the PC. They did release Halo 1 for pc, and it flopped. This was because there where much better games out on the market. |
Scoobert wrote:
Why do you hate the PS so much? Because I feel it is ruining the video game industry by degrading the quality games available. It does come down to an opinion thing though, so I dont expect you to like the PS2 if you don't like it, but don't hate it for the wrong reasons. I dislike it for all the correct reasons. X-Box hipes their stuff just as much as PS does, it is just a marketing tactic. Of course, but there is a difference between hyping a good product because it is good and making poor products that you hype up to heck in order to make people think they are good. I am not looking to start a console war or anything, Neither am I. I respect your oppinion, but I still feel the PS series is not worth the space on the department store shelves. just want to say that your view of the PS seems to be a little warped. "Acting Popular" is half of being popular, the other half is being the most owned game console (discluding PC) in the world. Yes, and that is the root of the problem right there. Gaining sales through being popular is degrading the video game industry. Sales should be achieved because you have a superior product. The PS line of systems might have some decent games, but I believe that they don't care so much about the quality. They just want to try and suck out all the money they can from as little work as possible, which you can see in their two-dozen rereleases of the same few Crash Bandicoot games, giving an old game a new subtitle but otherwise leaving it exactly the same and calling it a new game. I prefer Nintendo's line of product since their idea of rereleasing an old idea involves completely remaking the game; if not from the ground up then at least making a completely new map, characters and storyline as in the Zelda: Ocarina of Time to Zelda: Majora's Mask; but usually completely new from the ground up, keeping only the main characters and underlying background. It is mostly oppinion, yes; but I think there are things like those mentioned above that show how the video game industry is only hurt by Sony's involvement. I may be reading into it too far, but I think they would suck the industry dry and then forget about advancing it if they didn't have to. I feel like I'm on Gamefaq's NextGen-Gaming board, except without the arguments against me being mainly shouting and flaming. ;) |
I think all 3 systems have their horrible games. Bard's Tale of X-box is a horrible game, almost good story, but the camera angle is bad, the hud is horrible, and the voice overlays are bad. And if I remember correctly, not in game music. GameCube has..well, they aim for a diffrent target market with most of the games I don't like, so I cant say my opinion is valid in assessing their games. Every console is going to have its bad titles, it is a fact of life. The PS2 does have the weakest stats, but hardware is not gameplay, and when it comes down to it, gameplay is way more important than graphics.
The DreamCast is a good example of that, the graphics where way better than anything of its time, but it had few fun games, and they tended to get choppy. |
Scoobert wrote:
The DreamCast is a good example of that, the graphics where way better than anything of its time, but it had few fun games, and they tended to get choppy. Sonic Adventure I, Sonic Adventure II, Power Stone I, Power Stone II, ssoo many great games for DC. <3 |
I agree that those where good, but beyong that, there where few good games. I miss PowerStone, we never bought it, we rented it like 5 times though (Might as well have bought it). Now, most rental places dont have DC anymore.
Yeah, Sega made great systems and I enjoyed most of the games on them. After Sega died the more puzzle-type games on consoles went with it.
Also, there was a time I used to really dislike the PS because of the hype it caused in school. People telling me "The playstation has better graphics!" when honestly I didn't care one way or the other. I fell in love with the PS2 when it came out though. That still doesn't mean I like the system for the hype, because I dislike the PSP. I really am looking forward for what Sony brings to the E3 for PS3. |
Scoobert wrote:
I think all 3 systems have their horrible games. My main point was not about whether it has good games or bad. My main point was Sony's attitude toward the industry. The PS2 does have the weakest stats, but hardware is not gameplay, and when it comes down to it, gameplay is way more important than graphics. Likewise, popularity is not gameplay. Gameplay is way more important than popularity. Graphics, being less important than gameplay, is even way more important than popularity. The DreamCast is a good example of that, the graphics where way better than anything of its time, but it had few fun games, and they tended to get choppy. That is because the Dreamcast was the first console of its generation to be released. It is considered to be the same console generation as Gamecube and X-Box. |
Loduwijk wrote:
Likewise, popularity is not gameplay. Gameplay is way more important than popularity. Graphics, being less important than gameplay, is even way more important than popularity. True, but there are bad games with high popularity that create better sequels in rare occasions. The more people that buy the game the more money that compay has to get better developers next time, though, they usually don't. |
The PS line of systems might have some decent games, but I believe that they don't care so much about the quality. They just want to try and suck out all the money they can from as little work as possible, which you can see in their two-dozen rereleases of the same few Crash Bandicoot games, giving an old game a new subtitle but otherwise leaving it exactly the same and calling it a new game. This is not a problem that Sony has alone rather most of the industry. The industry is unfortunantly maturing much in the same way the movie industry did a good while back. Games are becoming incredibly expensive to develop making it less and less feasable for developers to build a game without financial aid from a big publisher. Here lies the vice. Publishers are generally in it only for the money so they prefer to fund games which have already proven to be successful and have a short development cycle. This is what leads to the unfortnate line of cheap knockoffs and clones. Unfortunantly I don't see things ever getting better unless cost of development somehow gets cheaper. |
Heh, Gamefaqs boards are awful. But their content is good!
Consider that Sony kept companies like Square while Nintendo brushed them off. Had that not been so, maybe we would have never seen games like Tactics:Advance and Crystal Chronicles on the Nintendo systems. In fact, Sony's superior developer support is a large reason why the original PS proved so popular while other systems failed. When PS2 came out, the other system manufacturers realized they were going to expand software support or go out of business. So companies like Nintendo started to play ball again. Sony Games is also a large reason why MMORPGs have attracted so much attention (Everquest). I agree there are seeerious problems in game development. But it has alot more to do with short sighted corporatism trumping creativity then any 1 particular company. And frankly, hating one particular manufacturer simply because they are the most successful, popular, etc is a bit... irrational. I can see where some bias enters in- I refused to buy the Game Cube initially because the poor, childish selection of its previous system and initial games. But I bear it no grudge; now I think it has some very good titles and enjoy playing them. In fact the GBA is my favorite handheld system. Likewise, I purchased a PS2 not out of some love for Sony, but because it offered an established line of games and DVD support (it is still my sole DVD player :-)). If P3 offers good games and features worth the money, I will consider buying it, unlike the 360, which looks like a bizarre attempt at a high end PC game system minus the stability and versatility :-/ Just gotta keep perspective- they are all just entertainment products designed to part you and your money. |
Jmurph wrote:
Consider that Sony kept companies like Square while Nintendo brushed them off. I don't think Nintendo brushed them off. In fact, many people were unhappy to see Square ditch Nintendo for Sony. If Nintendo had anything to do with it, that is a story I have missed. In fact, Sony's superior developer support is a large reason why the original PS proved so popular while other systems failed. When PS2 came out, the other system manufacturers realized they were going to expand software support or go out of business. So companies like Nintendo started to play ball again. Hahaha, sorry, but I got a good laugh out of that - no disrespect meant. Sony has a terrible rap for their terrible developer support. I have seen interviews with developers of multiple third party developers in which it is claimed that Sony's support is terrible but they stay because of the money raked in through popularity sales. I don't know, maybe the heads of these third party companies say different; but the people who do all the actual work for creating a game claim that Sony's package is much more difficult to work with. On the other hand, Nintendo was the one that pushed ease of game design on their system further than they had to, making game creation on the Gamecube something to be gawked at. Of course, I have not developed anything for the systems. I'm only going by what the game creators have said. I value their word much higher than that of either Sony's or Nintendo's, obviously. I agree there are seeerious problems in game development. But it has alot more to do with short sighted corporatism trumping creativity then any 1 particular company. Amen to the creativity trumping. That's the thing I complain about most. And frankly, hating one particular manufacturer simply because they are the most successful, popular, etc is a bit... irrational. Which is why I don't dislike them on the basis that they are successful and popular... I'm not irrational. I never claimed such. My main point was that they ride along on popularity instead of making more great games, the Crash Bandicoot nonsense being the prime example. A few games that were remade and released 20 times as supposed new games when all that had changed was the title. I can see where some bias enters in- I refused to buy the Game Cube initially because the poor, childish selection of its previous system and initial games. I disagree there, but that is entirely in the realm of oppinion only; therefor I can't argue that point. However, I think that plenty of games were very much not childish and appealed to me greatly. Super Smash Bros. Melee is a superb fighter game that puts all the Mortal Kombat/Street Fighter style games to shame. But I bear it no grudge; The only reason I bare a grudge against Sony is that I believe the actions I have seen them taking are degrading to the video game industry and hold it back. Another example to that is their system design, reusing the same old thing every time which clings to the style of the early 90's. Nintendo, on the other hand, pours its earnings into R&D to continually come out with different system ideas that are interesting and lead the way into the future. Like the DS, having a second, touch-sensitive screen was a great idea. And then the Revolution that is coming out next, which (unofficially, only heard from through leaked sources) will use be placed on your head as a virtual reality helmet. Hey, maybe it's just my paranoia that makes me think Sony is out to cash in at the expense of degrading the industry! Although I doubt it, I do hope that is the case. Either way, that's my thought, and it is not baseless. now I think it has some very good titles and enjoy playing them. In fact the GBA is my favorite handheld system. Likewise, I purchased a PS2 not out of some love for Sony, but because it offered an established line of games and DVD support (it is still my sole DVD player :-)). If P3 offers good games and features worth the money, I will consider buying it, unlike the 360, which looks like a bizarre attempt at a high end PC game system minus the stability and versatility :-/ Of course. Likewise, there are a select few games on the PS line that I have played and like. There will always be both some good and some bad games for every system, no matter how great or terrible the system and/or its owning company may be. Just gotta keep perspective- they are all just entertainment products designed to part you and your money. Again, of course. That I don't mind, but the manner in which they do it is what concerns me. As an analogy, let me bring up my place of employment. Where I work, they take very good care of me and try to push a big, happy family feeling. Whether they do that because they want me to stay and work hard for them, or whether they do that because they truely like me, I don't care... the fact is that they do it. Likewise, the entertainment industry will get part of my wallet; but the place that gets it will be the one that I feel is working more for my interests... I don't care if they are doing it because they want me to be happy or if they are doing it because they want my money, just the fact that they are doing it is what concerns me. And I don't think Sony is doing that. And now it looks like I'm starting to repeat myself, so I suppose that's about all I have to say on the subject. |
That is it.