If everyone is so pissed off they should do something, feel that you're being invaded? Take arms and defend! The majority of people didn't take arms when we went in, the minority is unimportant. Hate is more vocalized then favor. I for one would rather jump up and holler at a enemy then hug a good friend.

So the wars took place, how many people protested this war, did the majority citizens in Iraq or Bin Laden territory protest, did they call up arms? No, they wanted us to come in and provide them with a better system, and we did it. The huge minority is unimportant, if people are going to rub shoulders against America for meddling with Iraq's or Afghan's grill then they are hypocrites. If your country went to war without you wanting it, you're in the minority and are unimportant until you are in the majority power again. That is how things work. If the majority in your country at the time disapproved in your country and sent men to fight, then you're run by a dictator.

If the majority of nations would apply pressure against America concerning an invasion, then it wouldn't have happened.
Whoops, I wasted time stating the obvious

It's like we're trying to settle a riot at a concert with popsicle sticks.

Well, we'd hardly have a good time staying on anybodys good side by dropping an atom bomb(If thats what you mean by full fury) in a city filled with good people just to get to afew people that is scattered with them.

_> Reminds me of killing cockroaches with a slaughterful of Raid... I don't intend on killing on the innocent ants, they're just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I don't necessarily mean an atomic solution, but something big needs to happen if there should be any results yielded from this "War on Terror."

I don't necessarily mean an atomic solution, but something big needs to happen if there should be any results yielded from this "War on Terror."

I agree that something big should happen, but it should involve little to none civilian life wich seems impossible. Otherwise the predicament you brought up just might occur sooner, who wants a monster around?
WorldWeaver said:
soft Power(go look that up too) does not work. It has been tried again and again.

=| How about "No power"? What is the US really trying to acheive by meddling about in other countries?
Soft Power: ( definition but not from encyclopedia) A way of settling a dispute with no bloodshed, such as money, rescources, or trade agreements.

All military is hard power.
I actually agreed with most of what Raven said, and i think we basically had the same point

Worldweaver < "Face it America is the Leader of the World and it is her duty to protect it. Now I don't know how you wipe an idea out of someone's head but maybe if you scare them (censored)less they'll be too cowardly to come out of their mudholes."

Elation, the US is trying to achieve a sense of safety and tranquility that is the product of a country living behind a wall of two oceans for the past 200-300 years, but if you could do it why the hell wouldn't you, are you telling me you wouldn't try to make life better for yourself? Carpe Diem the time to strike is now obviously.
Now this isn't exactly morally right, and personally I look at it like this. We have 100,000 Iraqi's dead so far, but they are still fighting, so what we should have done in my opinion, is drop a nuke on a smaller city and watch them cower with 150,000 Iraqi losses, war time 2 minutes and 30 seconds. Obviously though we'd have to brace ourselves for WW3, but hell if I was dictator of this country, most of the world would be fighting with sticks and stones.
I think is was Albert Einstien that said,"I do not know what weapons WW3 will be fought with but WW4 will be fought with sticks and stones."

Lol I'm rambling.
Damn I'm scared of you Raven, You'd be worse than me in charge, well maybe not...
Thankfully you have absolutly no power worldweaver. While it is an unfortunante consequence that innocents get killed the governemtn certainly isn't going out of their way to do it. The US government is trying to get a stable government set up over there not wipe them out. This is something which as stated by the president may taker a long time to achieve and we'll be staying there until we do.
I'd only be bad if you were my enemy. There would be no quarter for those in my way. I think the human fantasy that WWIII will be nuclear holocaust is a little over-rated. Honestly, it seems like satellite warfare would seem more... feasible... Maybe I've just been watching too much Goldeneye. But honestly, frying a country's defenses on a grand scale with EMP would be pretty nice... Useful even, if the attack is carried out swiftly and with caution, a country could be completely without technology before its allies would even find out. Damn I'm evil, mwaahahahah!
Theodis, how do you know i have no power, *cackles* infact, with my cult well underway i will soon be the supreme being!

Goddamn i sound like a corny episode of DBZ.

Theodis, I agree, and the rational part of me agrees with you on the first part too, I'm really not like this all the time, I swear, no really!
To Raven,
Wow, that sounds like this thing i read on how you could feasibly take out the US, by cutting off all communiction to anything. Yeah pretty good idea, especially for a clean war, but if I had dictatorship i would still say nukes.
Theodis, how do you know i have no power, *cackles* infact, with my cult well underway i will soon be the supreme being!

No, you're a supreme dumbass.

Theodis, how do you know i have no power, *cackles* infact, with my cult well underway i will soon be the supreme being!

Goddamn i sound like a corny episode of DBZ.
If you would notice Elation i already said that and it was a joke.
Yeah, and I was joking too. Honest...
What you say may be true, but yet, it maybe cause more terrorist attacks, because the terrorists may see us as an even more vulnerable target, and strike at the oppurtunity. Plus, it doesn't help that Bush is an egotistical power hungry maniac...
Lets just fire some nukes at all the people who support terrorists and kill them all ^^ if nothing else, it'll slow down overpopulation. =)
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