Hey, i'm having trouble with my video card I just popped in. I think I downloaded the drivers, but Nvidia may have given me the wrong ones. I just put in a GeForce3 Ti 200, does anyone know how many MB that is? The one I just took out was a Geforce Mx 400 64.0 MB.
The amount of RAM on a video card depends on the board manufacturer, not on NVidia or on the version number of the video card. Look at the box that the video card came in, it should tell you.

It's pretty much impossible for NVidia to give you the wrong drivers. They have a one-driver-install-file-works-on-all-cards system. =) (Which bloats the install files, but is sometimes handy.)
In response to Crispy
It's good for upgrading, but since their cards ranges go straight from £30 to £70, I haven't had the benefit yet :-)