BUG: Bad ref (4:233245340) in DecRefCount(DM Dynamic Lighting.dm:197)
BUG: Bad ref (4:233245340) in IncRefCount(DM Dynamic Lighting.dm:196)
BUG: Bad ref (4:233245340) in IncRefCount(DM Dynamic Lighting.dm:197)
BUG: Bad ref (4:233245340) in DecRefCount(DM Dynamic Lighting.dm:197)
var/area/Loc = loc
if(!istype(Loc) || !Loc.sd_lighting) return
I'm confused about the nature of this error. Lines shown above are 195,196,197
I've been getting a lot of these IncRefCount and DecRefCount errors in my dream daemon..
The game has been crashing at random and unpredictable times recently. Here's one of the backtraces (most recent)
BUG: Removing corrupt rsc entry 'Sidecut Shirt.dmi'
BUG: Removing corrupt rsc entry 'Sidecut Shirt.dmi'
BUG: Crashing due to an illegal operation!
Backtrace for BYOND 507.1283 on Linux:
Generated at Sat May 30 20:12:06 2015
DreamDaemon [0x8048000, 0x0], [0x8048000, 0x804bb74]
libbyond.so [0xae283000, 0x0], 0x1e671c
[0xae795000, 0xae795410], [0xae795000, 0xae795410]
libbyond.so [0xae283000, 0x0], 0x1e671c
libbyond.so [0xae283000, 0x0], 0x1f0b19
libbyond.so [0xae283000, 0x0], 0x1f1c31
libbyond.so [0xae283000, 0x0], 0x1f734d
libbyond.so 0x303ab0, 0x303bfa
libbyond.so 0x2d2260, 0x2d2462
DreamDaemon [0x8048000, 0x0], [0x8048000, 0x804af24]
libc.so.6 0x16d60, 0x16e46 (__libc_start_main)
DreamDaemon [0x8048000, 0x0], [0x8048000, 0x804a7b1]
Recent proc calls:
To help the BYOND developers debug this, please send the above trace as part
of a very detailed bug report: http://www.byond.com/members/?command=view_tracker&tracker=1
This is something I can look into though, as I suspect (but I'm not positive) this crash was not fixed by one of the subsequent builds. Thankfully you've provided the crash info I need to check it out.
I'll move this to Bug Reports.