Using this:
<p><h3>Stuff here</h3></p>
Not this:
<p><h3>Stuff here</p><h3>
And closing all tags, and confirming the doctype and so on.
I think everyone should use the webstandards when designing websites because it makes sites easyer to read, and navigate through the source.
And I also use CSS for my layouts because it makes sites smaller and render faster.
What are your opinions on this?
That's not just a current standard; that's the only right way to do it. Overlapping tags rather than nesting them is always and forever wrong.
As for case, it doesn't really matter with HTML; HTML is not case-sensitive.
However, I would like to strangle the idiot who started doing this:
I don't know why people started putting spaces between attributes and values, but that's always wrong too.
Lummox JR