I log into Arma 3 and the performance is a nightmare. I don't even know where to begin. I lower all settings to the very lowest setting, still no improvement. I close all background programs ( which, I pretty much never have anything running in the background anyway ), still no improvement. I get on my knees and pray to Buddha, still no enlightenment. Then I start alt-tabbing in and out from the game and Google, trying to search other ways to improve the game performance, still nothing. So at this point, I'm like

After 11 hours of this BS, I finally give up and go back to
Owait, Steam offers refunds now. Figures they'd do it 3 months after my incident. There's a few rules involved - you can't go over 2 hours and 14 days of purchase. As I previously mentioned, this was 3 months ago, and I spent 11 hours trying to fix the damn thing, so basically I have to stick with my poorly optimized, "tactical" shooter that only 10% of the player base plays tactically ( after watching YT, it appears that most people just run around in weird mods RPing ).
Anyway, I decide to email them regardless. To sum up the email I sent, it was basically me saying
But no, I sent them an email saying "Yo, I got the game, it never worked, I spent hours trying to fix it but couldn't, I know I'm past the time requirement but is you really with the refunds or nah?" Steam replies "ur past the 2 hour limit lol we're keeping ur $60, get rekt scrub".
I mean it's pretty obvious I wasn't lying about not being able to play the game, I hadn't logged into it since March 7 which was when I gave up trying to fix it. This is what being ethical gets you. Never again.
Permanently banned from Steam forums with no prior warning and no prior posts for advocating piracy. I've appealed the ban several times over the years, but Steam staff won't budge. Gabe Newell is in agreement with my reasoning too, which is the worst part.
http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/ 114391-Valves-Gabe-Newell-Says-Piracy-Is-a-Service-Problem
GabeN wrote:
Thanks, Steam.
EDIT: Oh, and the reason I was upset about the release was because by the time that my version was going to be unlocked, as I had rightly predicted, my friends had gotten so far ahead of me that playing with them just wasn't fun. Instead, I got to listen to them have fun on Ventrilo without me while I tried to appeal my steam community ban.
Not a big loss, though, that community is cancer. If you even post the word DRM, they will ban you without question.