Well, i haven't posted any new information, updates, or changes recently; and i'll tell you why- Let's dive into the world known as "Personal Life".

As mentioned i'm human too, i learn, i age, and i do homework. I'm currently trying to balance school, work, and homework together while piecing what spare time i have for relaxation and going out; I'm barely spending any time doing graphics.

I'm going to have free time, eventually. But sadly i've got another project, a reading assignment. Great, what joy. Read a book that was meant to span over the summer, and do it in a week.

Anyways, if any of you actually cared, that's the reason why i'm not really on a first priority alert on making graphics. It was just unlucky for you guys, and me, that i started this whole project right before school started.

~ Ok, that's out of the way!

Anyways, i hate to admit it, but yes- as pointed out, sadly, my strong suite is terrains. environmental objects aren't something i've practiced on over the summer of my idle state- all i did was remake turfs over and over until i got the hang of it. Doesn't mean i can't do them! No, not by a long shot. I started off with objects and character icons. It's just that it's not as easy. And i'm, as stated, a lazy guy.

Anyways. I'm trying to get the requested terrains, buildings, and misc environmental objects completed. They all look good, in my opinion, but i'm taking it slow.

I'm redoing the turfs i've made, as they were commented to be too grainy. I reviewed them and decided: Ew. Ok, well, yea, i think the ground you walk on is more important then the branch you trip over, but they go together harmoniously-if that's even a word. So once i get these turfs remade, and out of the way, i'll go out of my regular daily rut to actually think of what would go in an environment, and make some things like barrels, crates, twigs, cracks, rocks, trees, pine cones, leafs, flowers, etc.

That's that.

Onto other news.

I still need suggestions! Just because i'm busy, doesn't mean i need ideas! I'm not psychic, tell me what you want.

Also, if anyone wants to help out and submit your own public contributions. Join up! Put up an example in the "Private Works" Section; the area of the forums dedicated to work that ISN'T meant to be used publicly, and if they do- may they burn. Then after submitting so i know if i'd be happy to host your publications you can ask if you want to help out. Or if you were just posting in that topic to show off, i'll ask if i think you could contribute nicely.

This way we have multiple styles of artwork, and makes it easier on me- while providing more variety to those in need.

Well, i'm ranting again. This should be enough for now.

Later folks.
- Karnlor

im going to kill myself seriously where have u been

i need building turfs that i can use for shops and houses(roof, wall, door, window), i need wall turfs(light and dark ones i need a mountain turf ot a huge one but one i can use to surround my villages, i need a cactus, what else,...6 tile high trees, kage building turfs, bridge turfs, snow and ice turfs,desert turfs, muddy grass, wall, floor, door that i can use as a tournament arena, long table,short table,chair for long and short table,doors dark and light,marsh like grass,marsh like water,bamboo trees, Large Scale Mountain for mountain training, large log for log trainining, log target so i can throw objects at it
I hear ya, man. I've been wondering where all the hours in my day go lately. Of course, with your time you're helping the community. Me, I just... hmmm... I'm not really sure what I do :/

Well, if you need a few ideas, here are some I could use for a side-game I'm hoping to find time to make. The theme is kind of dark. Think old northern City WW2: It's snowing, dark, place is kind of rundown. Possible objects:
Alleyway Fence
Street lamps
Cardboard boxes
Trash can

Snow encrusted walls
(Snow, but you already have that)
Snow covered road (Slightly darker snow)
Foot prints

The view would be top-down. No rush on them, I just can't quite make them to the point of creating the atmosphere I wanted.

Thanks, keep up the good work, and good luck on your report/book thingy!! By the way, what book?

(I'll try to find a picture that shows the mood I'm talking about)
(Edit: Sorry, couldn't find it :( Man I wish I could paint!)
I want to be one of the others. =(
Did you ever start the animated water?
I haven't started much of anything. I'm a hog when it comes to free time. I was spending free time doing the graphics, but when that became uber shrunken, i just paused it entirely.

And how do you want the water animated, anyways?

Also, Black, i'll see what i can do about that list. Some of that stuff still doesnt quite explain what you want, but most of it does. I'll get on it when i have the time. Meanwhile, try to find filler material, in other words- graphics from another source to just fill in what you don't have until i get around to doing it, which might be a bit.

Lastly. The book; i have no clue, i've yet to look for the sheet she supposedly handed out saying what book we need to buy. But you have to read it all, then write a report as you read noting the summary of each chapter, and then at the end; write an essay about it. No way on Earth will i get higher than an F.

Digital Samurai, you are indeed one of the others. I added you as friend.

One strange thing about buddies, Cinnom added me. I find that almost scary, in a good way. Thanky for the support, Cinnom! Miss your games =).
I want waves crashing on a shore. Thats what I want.
Crashing waves? Wouldn't that require a barrier of sorts, like a cliff? How about shifting.. Where it rises and falls, leaving that little residue. It would probably be more realistic. Oh well, i'll go and do both maybe.
Karnlor... it isn't a residue. Its wet...
Same thing. Water is matter too, just because it's moist doesn't make the particles any less seperated. Though technically yea, i suppose residue only applies to solids.

You and your engrish.