The computer with a problem won't boot (xp pro) because the file NTLDR is missing. Booting from the xp cd shows the partition (fat32) but doesn't identify it as windows. This is a problem because I can't repair install it. The recovery console isn't providing much help either. I tried copying both ntldr and to the hd from the xp cd as well with no results.
I borrowed the hard drive and stuck it in as a slave on my machine. It shows the total size to be 10mb with 7mb free. The only thing important on the computer are pictures.
Any ideas on how to recover them? (besides sending it to a pro)
I ended up recovering the data on the hard drive including old deleted files. I used GetDataBack by Runtime Software (suggested by a friend) and it worked well!
Jun 7 2005, 6:33 pm (Edited on Jun 8 2005, 5:28 pm)