With the new pager the whay It Is, shouldn't It be called "Byond Instant Messanger"=(BIM)? Lol, just a thought.
Zoltor wrote:
With the new pager the whay It Is, shouldn't It be called "Byond Instant Messanger"=(BIM)? Lol, just a thought.

Nah, I'd rather have the old name instead =P.
And actually this belongs in BYOND features >.>

In response to O-matic
Well, It's not a feature, It's more of a general question/statement. Features are things that are, or things you would like to be added, this was just a statement/question to the Byond comunity.
Because it's a pager. It's designed for use on the go to send messages like "I'm over at Seika, come to the main server and play!".
You clip it to your belt and use it to communicate with people all over the BYONDverse.
In response to DarkView
Lol, yea, I suppose so.

PS. I just love the new pager setup.