for people that play byond like 6 hours a day and all you do is byond, to you think of your self as a nerd?
Nerd is a big word. I am a computer geek, but when you think of someone who is typically thought of as a "nerd", no, i wouldn't fit that description. Point? It doesn't matter. If you like to play BYOND, do it.
In response to Kunark
yeah i still don't liek the sound of some1 calling me a computer geek :(
In response to Animekid09
Well, when you think of "computer geek", most people would think of a scrawny boy with an odd voice who is socially inept. That has nothing to do with liking computers, it really doesn't. I spend a helluva long time ont he computer each day, and yet I am the most "socially accepted" person out of all of my friends.

You can be a geek at anything, but certain parts of society (The ones with loud mouths typically) make some geekdoms less socially acceptable than others.
In response to Kunark
but i am a poor bitch!
In response to Animekid09
Then embrace it! It doesn't matter what they think, just do what you like to do. You aren't harming anyone by doing it.
In response to Kunark
YOUR RIGHT! I WILL EMBRACE IT! just right after i eat this cookie.ummmmmm cookie!
In response to Animekid09
That's the spirit! Nerds unite, and someone bring cookies!
In response to Kunark
Kunark wrote:
I spend a helluva long time ont he computer each day, and yet I am the most "socially accepted" person out of all of my friends.


The real losers don't use computers and still fail at society. ;)
In response to Crispy
Well, after I get home from my job as the IT specialist at an accounting ferm or after a meeting with my business parner about our business, I think I have earned a little time to be nerdy. I spend about 5 hours a day on the computer, and about 3 of it is at work. You can have a life and enjoy computers. Now all I am missing is that supermodel girlfriend.
Nerds have broken glasses & pocket protecters, GEEKS on the other hand, don't.
In response to Kunark
Kunark wrote:
Well, when you think of "computer geek", most people would think of a scrawny boy with an odd voice who is socially inept. That has nothing to do with liking computers, it really doesn't. I spend a helluva long time ont he computer each day, and yet I am the most "socially accepted" person out of all of my friends.

yes, just because you use the computer alot doesnt mean you cannot be 'cool' or accepted, I am.
Comp Geek, yes. Nerd, no.
In response to JJA
My glasses aren't broken, and I've never even seen a pocket protector. I'm definitely a nerd though. =P
In response to JJA
I agree. Although it is open for interpretation, I consider a "geek" simply a fanatic, when I consider a "nerd" someone who fits that "computer nerd" stereotype. It doesn't really matter though, it's all just in the eyes of the beholder.
In response to Kunark
When I consider nerds they are the ones who play board games, hack the government, and study ALL day. >.<
In response to Karrigo
Karrigo wrote:
When I consider nerds they are the ones who play board games, hack the government, and study ALL day. >.<

There are a few great board games, just because you enjoy somthing doesnt make your nerdy -_-.

Also, people who hack arnt generally bad people, it's the crackers your talking about.

This kid I used to goto school with was nerdy, when he got a 1.5megabit connection he sang about it all day for a week.
In response to Smoko
Megabit or megabyte? I don't even think megabit connections exist!
In response to Animekid09
I just like computers... Cause they're cool

And when the world is overrun by robots I will survive.
And you won't =P
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