![]() Jul 3 2005, 4:12 pm
In response to Ol' Yeller
No, they are bad in your opinion. Just, because you don't like the story line doesn't mean other people don't. You shouldn't force your opinions on others it shows the signs of a dictator, and every dictator I've heard of was assassinated, because they obviously weren’t liked much. As you stated I don’t see why so many people like FF VII which is exactly my point many people do like it. So, that refers back to what I was saying.
Digital Samurai wrote:
You shouldn't force your opinions on others it shows the signs of a dictator, and every dictator I've heard of was assassinated Dictators also bump off anyone who criticises them, DS. *squeezes the syringe* |
It was only censored for the PS2 version. Gamecube's and XBOX's version remained uncensored. Still a horrible game that you should be emmbarassed for having.
Any Yu-Gi-Oh game thats older than a year or isn't online.
Also, don't buy any games that are a spin off from a show in real life. Seriously, a CSI game? wtf? |
2nd option, and I assume you're talking about FF7. Played it, enjoyed it. On gamespot, over 27,000 regisetered members have FFX(including me^_^) listed in their collection, and over 18,000 for FF7. I don't think that many ppl would make the mistake of buying a sorry game.
What are some games you guys think you should NEVER buy? Anything massivly multiplayer, console RPGs, anything based off an anime, sports games, any game in which a letter of its title is replaced by a similiar looking number, Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing, games advertised by their graphics(especially when the selling point is scantily clad women) rather than gameplay, anything which can be easily beaten in one video game rental. I probably missed something since this is just off the top of my head but there really are a huge number of games which really aren't worth their price tag. Sometimes they are even so bad it isn't even worth it free since it'll just take up space. |
Kunark wrote:
Ahahah, I played BMX XXX, it was a HORRIBLE game. The only point of it was "unlocking stripper videos" because the actual game was so stupid and so poorly made, and then the stripper videos were censored! Ahah. Censored stripper videos, eh? Sounds kind of pointless all around. <_< |
Dont buy new Frogger games unless its like the classics. The new one on the PS2 has sucky graphics and wierd storylines/characters. its alright for the kiddies but not for older people.
Theodis wrote:
anything which can be easily beaten in one video game rental. Heh. I guess my brother should never buy video games. :P He beats games like KotOR 2 and Jade Empire in a matter of days..I don't know if he can beat them in a single day. Good chance, though. ...On that topic, Bioware games are starting to get on my nerves. Sure, NwN was successfull and all, but each new game they make is just NwN with a completely different theme. Everything else is the same. :P That's not always bad, but it seems like overkill now. They should go out on a limb and try something new. |