Oh my, I am pulling my hair out with all of these spammy posts about people not wanting to loose the pager. Your thoughts about these posts? Why are they running around like chickens with no heads?

P.S. I don't care if you want the pager or not, this is about the posts complaining about loosing it.

Quite Frankly, I wish Byond's services went comlpetely P2P. I mean, I dont think these people realise that taking away the pager would have the LEAST ammount of effect.

I mean, even hub entires take up alot of space after awhile, and so many of these people make tons of hub entries and never show up again.

I say make the lives game listing, the hub hosting, every thing, pay.
In response to Shades
I whole heartedly disagree with your complete p2p opinion. I really think that BYOND would lose a huge amount of it's community if that happened. I mean, I have paypal access, but I don't have much money at all. Many kids who come to BYOND regularly would be gone. I would hate BYOND if they did that.