Yenten - A new minigame has been added; Yenten.
- Yenten is a simple card game for 2 players, where the goal is to make a hand that totals 10.
- Each round, players are dealt one card; if they have 10, they win, but if they have more than 10, they must discard card(s) until they have less than ten. Then, repeat.
- You will need 10 Casino Coins to play.

Fishing Contest Improvements - Fishing contests now have some improved rewards.
- Treasure Maps and several other items have been added to the prize chest.
- You now receive Experience Points and Murai rewards for participating.
- The maximum weight of caught fish dynamically increases so that you always have a chance to catch a fish heavier than 1st place's.
Chaturanga Teleports - There is now a teleport platform that takes you from the far east wall, with the Mage's Guild and other buildings, to the far left wall, near the city's exit.
Adjusted - Several large Youkai changes have been made.
- You can no longer gain the effects, including Sync-Mind, Install, Summon, etc. of Youkai contracts exceeding your maximum contracts.
- There is now a hard cap on how many Youkai effects you can gain at once; 12. (Even if your maximum contracts would be higher.)
- So, if your Faith is 10, you can only gain effects, summon, install, and so on Youkai up to the 7th one in your contracts manager.
- You can now rearrange the order of Youkai in the contract manager by dragging and dropping them.
Adjusted - The battle ring now displays the direction indication as blue for allies and purple for enemies to help differentiate between friend and foe.
Adjusted - Furniture items with other items inside of them can no longer be traded.
Adjusted - Lore blurbs and game tips that are displayed will be the same for every player.
Adjusted - You can now check the time until the next reboot with the 'check-reboot-time' verb. (This function may receive an aesthetic upgrade eventually, but since it was requested, here you go for now.)
* Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where Fortune Feather was behaving incorrectly.
- Fixed a bug where Performance Rating would take effect in some cases where you did not have SP invested in the skill.
- Fixed a bug where Fleeing Spectres was not waiting for the projectiles to finish before turns changed, making it possible to dodge them with certain skills if you were quick.
- Fixed a bug where Glykins protecting allies from Banquet was not triggering the Golden Blood skill's effect on the vampire.
- Fixed a bug where left-click mouse movement would cause you to move while you were trying to build tiles with Build Mode.
- Fixed a bug where Bloodhunt was not increasing its enchanted weapon's Hit value properly.
- Fixed a bug where Magnetic Shield was not redirecting attacks properly.
- Fixed a variety of bugs involving mutated weapons, tomes, and Tactician skills.
- Fixed a bug where your Momentum and skill lists, among other things, would be incorrect when you joined a battle in progress.
- Fixed a bug where Winter's Bite (and similar effects that negate resistance to elements) was working incorrectly with item effects that grant resistance to that element.