I think that the new idea for byond is great! They've been providing us w/ free service for many years. Now, they want to make byond better, bring it to a NEW level, byond- 4.0. The only thing is, to get all the perks, and features you have to be a member... so..? whats the big deal. you don't HAVE TO. its a choice. Don't throw your money away but sure, if you have spare change, why not help out, try and make 4.0 a reality even sooner. For all you people who don't wanna pay. Then don't, you can still make, publish, and play games. And its still for free. So i honestly see no reason to complain
-Opinions :
- Membership
- Good
- Bad
- Byond
- Greedy
- Mean
but the only things that matter are the facts.
-Facts :
- Membership
- Needed
- Services
- Cost money
- Byond
- Needs our help
do the math.
and no, i'm not just saying this cause i'm a member, as matter of fact, i don't have one at all.. do i want one? Yes. But thats will not stop me from quitting or complaining
Ps. This may have come of harsh, cruel.. not meant to be, just meant to shed some light on you guys who think negitivly about all this new stuff
well... thats what i think
Jul 7 2005, 3:26 pm (Edited on Jul 8 2005, 11:36 am)