In response to Popisfizzy
Yeah, thats right, for the Xbox, which makes a sad point, the only reason why Halo 1 and 2 is even mildly popular is the fact that the Xbox didnt have a decent amount of good games to play at the time.

In Halo 2 they advanced the system, with stuff they should have already added.

But see, we are talking about mulitple systems, so my argument with early FPS matching up to Hal DOES work. Id rather buy a brand new computer then a Xbox 360. Those things look like the old 386 computers I used to have in my elementry school.

And yes, Strangers Wrath is better, 100X better.
In response to Shades
1. Wrong place to reply

2. Not by any reviews i've seen.
My favorite FPS'
1. Halo
2. Halo 2
3. Half-Life 2

And the reason the original halo didn't have all of the stuff it should've had is because it was a 9 month crunch. That would've been really hard to put that all in in 9 months.
In response to Popisfizzy
Maybe developers should stop rushing games then huh? Call me crazy here, but perhaps, developers should take as much time, energy and money as they possibly can, and designed a game that actully uses the full power of the systems hardware.

I am sick and tired of seeing half ass games. And thats not only for Halo either, theres tons of games like it.
In response to Shades
(wrong spot to reply again)

Usually a devoloper is rushed by the publisher of their game. They listen to them or they don't get their game published, sad but true.
In response to Popisfizzy
why isn't it replying in the right spot?
In response to Popisfizzy
Please, your still trying to make exuses for a below average Xbox game, that should have been, could have been so much better.
In response to Shades
Shades wrote:
I dont know where you get the amazing gameplay from. There is NOTHING new in Halo or Halo 2 that hasnt already been done in PC FPS games already before.

Innovation doesn't make a game fun. Red Faction had this geomod thing (which I loved, it allowed you to destroy anything rather than just certain predetermined areas), but that wasn't good enough to keep me playing until the end. If you honestly want to know why people like Halo I can list some of my reasons for you.

* Exploration - Maybe it was an oversight, maybe it was planned, but I can pretty much roam to wherever I want to go to in the Halo universe (with the exception of at least one instant kill barrier in Halo 2, man I hate those). It may take a rocket, a pile of grenades, and a warthog to get me there, but there I'll be. Whether I just get a different view of the landscape or an advantageous position over the enemy depends. It should also be noted that just having a decent jumping height helped this. I've seen plenty of games that allow you to jump a foot and a half, and while this is completely realistic, it's also completely useless. This is definitely my biggest obsession about Halo.

* Action - It takes under a minute for a level to load and there's ten big levels (in Halo 1), I can skip the cutscenes, and most importantly, what happens when I die? I go right back to the last checkpoint without having to skip a game over cutscene or load my previous progress. So I spend minimal time sitting there twidling my thumbs when I just wanted to kill people.

* Simplicity - Not once did I have to go back over a level with a fine tooth comb searching for a red key. Not once did I have to resort to melee attacks (or scrounge around for ammo deposits) because the armed soldiers I just killed have taken their weapons to hell with them. Not once did I have to be completely stealthy to get past a certain part of a level. They did a pretty good job of keeping the challenge where I like it, killing the enemy. The simplicity of a console over a computer is also a plus. No system requirements (which sometimes only specify what the game will work on, not run smoothly), no paying three hundred dollars for a video card that's going to be outdated in six months and next to useless in a year and a half, and no strange bugs that make my game not get along with my firewall (don't think for a second that I pulled this out of my nether regions. Sure, I could turn the firewall off, but first I have to disable my wireless adapter (which presents another problem when I try to get it to work again) because some nutjob keeps checking if he/she can get into my system every three hours). I'm not a computer genious, and with consoles around I don't have to be just to play games. I think I've spent too much time on the simplicity of consoles (or complexity of computers), way too much when it's plain as day to see. =P

* Overpowered Pistol - Yeah, I'm grasping at straws for this one, but these are my opinions. =P I pretty sure some people share the other opinions with me, but not so much with this one. I always liked using pistols in FPSs, it makes me feel more empowered when I turn a corner and kill two guys with two well placed shots, rather than mowing them down with a machine gun. With this pistol being so overpowered one might think that I wouldn't feel the same, one would be wrong. Call me a sissy, but I don't mind that it's easier. =)

</Halo rant>

As far as the systems go, I'm leaning towards the Revolution. My experience with the PS2 has been less than stellar. I picked it first out of the three next generation systems because it came with the ability to play DVDs (I needed a DVD player) and backwards compatibility (I could sell my PS). A few months later it lost it's ability to read DVDs, and shortly there after games followed. I was able to send it back to Sony for a free repair (though, I still had to pay to ship it, understandable, but it still cost me more money). Another month goes by and it can't play DVDs anymore (well, not new ones. The ones that I had watched on it before will still play, but it refuses to play anything else). I won't be getting a PS3 until I know there aren't any major foul ups like there was with the PS2, which is sad, because I'd really like to buy one on the release date just to offset Mr. Gates' attempt to get rid of competition with business tactics rather than just a superior product... which brings me to Microsoft.

How long has the release date for Halo 3 been set for the PS3's launch date now? If they actually make that deadline one of two things happenned, they held out on us hoping that we could only afford either the PS3 or Halo 3, or they rushed the game out hoping that we could only afford either the PS3 or Halo 3. I hope I'm not the only person who finds this appalling. Sure it's a good business tactic, but why worry about underhanded business tactics unless you have an inferior product. I really hope this descision bites him in the ass. I also disliked how the end of Halo 2 was non-existant, at best it was just a commercial for Halo 3. Please notice that this is anti-Microsoft rubbish, the Xbox itself was a nice piece of work. A friend of mine had some music playing (from the hard drive, not a CD) on his one day when his brother accidently slung it six foot across the room (he's a big guy =P) and it didn't skip a beat.

So what did Nintendo do all this time while Bill was plotting and Sony was repairing? They put out games, but only one of which I really wanted to play (Super Smash Brothers Melee), which is why I don't have a Gamecube. I kind of want to buy one just for support, I haven't heard of any big foul ups and their other systems stood the test of time (and destructive kids) well, but it won't do them any good now anyhow. =P If they end up having downloadable NES games (even at a price), I won't have a problem buying it on opening day given their wealth of games and past record of stability.

The only game to date, that Ive ever purchased is Doom 3, and I thought it was better then Halo 1 and 2 combined, and I still thought it was kind of crappy.

What are you proud to steal?
In response to YMIHere
The only game to date, that Ive ever purchased is Doom 3, and I thought it was better then Halo 1 and 2 combined, and I still thought it was kind of crappy.

What are you proud to steal?

Certinaly not, but I am not ashamed of it either. I was simply stating that, to make a point. I have not found any games worth buying and the one game I thought it was worth buying, wasnt worth it after all.

I bought my Xbox, through a 3rd party totally tricked out, I have not given ANY REAL support to the Xbox at all, ever since it started.

Although, Ill admit, it makes a danm good emulation machine.
In response to Popisfizzy
Posts will only indent so far, otherwise we'd end up with horizontal scrolling or the posts going back to the left. =)
In response to YMIHere
I was going to say that it didn't have to be innovative to be fun, but i couldn't think of a good way to put it. Thanks.

In response to Shades
And your right, every Sony system to date has had some really bad problems with their systems.

Mean while, the only one I can think of for Nintendo is the Nintendo DS, which had a pixel problem. Thank God Nintendo took these back as willingly as possible, and now it turns out, a good number of the burnt pixels were stuck, and running a special program on your DS for a few hours can unstick them.

The Xbox, admitly, the only problem I ever heard of was the power cords burning down houses, or something.
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