In response to Xooxer
Xooxer wrote:
Zaole wrote:
I also pronounce (for life, never gonna change) Xooxer as "Zoozer", cause it's just so much easier on my poor little brain.

Well, you're wrong. It's pronounced Zookser.


If you play it on WMP, with the Ambience: Swirl thing.. You end up getting a X in the middle of the screen.. How weird is that x.x

In response to Chwgt
In response to Smoko
No, there's a story behind my key... I'll post it on my BYOND members blog later on..

In response to Jiskuha
Then I shall call the... Jisk x.x

In response to Chwgt
View the story behind Chwgt's key..

In response to Chwgt
Ein Pear-a-grin

Most people just pronounce it as normal Ian, which is fine with me, as they are both forms of the same name. (Both derive from 'John')
In response to Jiskuha
Jisk-U-a, eh?

Damn American pronounciation of the letter U...

How to pronounce Jiskuha like a man.
In response to Smoko
Not me, but Ma Bell does. (ok, so at&t isn't exactly Ma, but it fits.) :P

Phoenix Man?

The American-style Phoenix and Man...

Yeah. Um.

Do I win a prize for having the best name you can prenounce real easy-like?

Or Coo-coo-ca-choo
In response to Phoenix Man
No. I am sure its easier to pronounce other peoples' names.
Want examples?

In response to Phoenix Man
Oh, oh, mine's easier. :p
In response to Ol' Yeller
Mines the hardest.

In response to Jiskuha
A lot of people get mine wrong. It's pronounced Arr Teek Ee a, but a lot of people say Arr Tech Ee a.
In response to Phoenix Man
Phoenix Man wrote:
Do I win a prize for having the best name you can prenounce real easy-like?

Nope. =P

Hiead: [Heed]

If you've seen Pilot Candidate, or read Candidate for the Goddess, you know where it's from.

In response to Cheetoz
Ha, cool thread... I guess...


05 =P
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