What's the best way to do it?
I've been working on a concept that allows people to post their games in a central place with info pertinent to the game. People who visit said place can then browse all of the entries and find one in particular that they wish to play.
While the idea sounds good in theory, I feel it's lacking some things currently.
Also for a community such as this, what are some good methods to expose BYOND games to the outside?
![]() Jun 1 2015, 1:32 pm
![]() Jun 1 2015, 1:47 pm
Visit websites that aren't BYOND, contact people who frequent articles on PC games, buy some ad space on a website you think people who would want to play said game frequent? It's not insanely difficult to advertise something, no one here does it. They rely on BYOND's in-house community. If you want something to be successful, advertise everywhere EXCEPT BYOND.
Social Media, best method of word of mouth advertising. Frequent social media site that promote and discuss games, Facebook pages, Twitter pages, Twitch, even Instagram, people love pictures. Also target Indie/2D marketed communities. Fans of the style of graphics.
http://gamedevelopment.tutsplus.com/articles/ marketing-your-indie-game-the-single-most-important-thing-th at-no-one-knows-how-to-do--gamedev-7157
Press kits. The best thing you can do is prepare promotional materials in the form of a press kit, field test it with unbiased people, and when you have enough promo materials, start respectfully e-mailing interested indie-oriented blogs and news sites, youtube commentators, twitch celebs, whatever you can do. Find your niche and attack it. Make sure you knock it out of the park the first try (when marketing a game), because you don't get a second chance in this business very often. |
Seems to be goto for these kids here trying to promote games, they see all these big companies using social media to grow their brand, but don't realize that only works because they already have a large following. When you see someone you know 'liking' or talking about a subject with 100 fans/followers/likes, you don't think much of it. You see someone you know doing the same to a subject with 100,000 or 1,000,000 fans/followers/likes, you're probably going to check it out and see what it's all about.
Social media is a good trying ground to see if media is worthy of press, but they aren't reliable for building a brand from the ground up.
This is from an old post of mine from a few years back. hope it helps
http://www.byond.com/forum/?post=471223 ------------------------------------------------------------ So you want to expand your user base to people outside of byond... here are some helpful tips and sites where you can do just that... 1. Work on your sales pitch... The easiest way to turn people away is by going "Hey come look at my cool game"... Try to add some intelligence to it... and make them comfortable before you even mention it... learn more about the person, like whether he/she is a gamer or what kind of games he/she likes... 2. If you are going to advertise on a forum... please allow people time to get to know you before you advertise... Wait a few days, and try to be an active part of the community otherwise they will just think of you as a "Hit & Runner" and ignore your ad... Also, If you do advertise on a forum. Do not just quit it afterwards... stay for atleast a few weeks before you go... so that way you leave a strong interpretation of yourself in the others mind... 3. When advertising outside of byond, Don't just stick with directing them to the hub every time you update the game... make them feel like a part of the group by uploading the Byond Executable files (.exe files) which is under the Build tab in Dream maker... It also works well with sites like Indiedb and such... 4. Be kind, Be Professional, Never act childish in front of people... That right there could lose you a huge amount of future players easily... 5. DO NOT PRESSURE PEOPLE TO BUY SUBS... that can also ruin everything... 6. *IMPORTANT* I SUGGEST YOU READ THIS BEFORE MAKING AN EXE FOR YOUR GAME! http://www.byond.com/docs/publish It will keep you from making any mistakes... and lastly here are some of the sites I came across that are willing to help you get your game out to the world (will be updated every now and then) Indiedb*: http://www.indiedb.com Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com Behance Portfolio creator: http://www.behance.com/ Newgrounds: http://www.newgrounds.com/ *Note: Indie Database will only allow Original Content... and when you select what Engine it is... select Custom Built... I have yet to get them to include Byond as an Engine... if you have any questions... Ask away |