In response to Strawgate
Uh, I think the disabled should be treated like every other person.

My mother used to work with disabled children all the time, and she told me, that alot of the children she worked with, both mentally and physcally retarted, knew, for the most part, exactly what was going on, and used their disabability to their advantage.

Except, they were also told to that the children they worked with, were exceptions. That is mainly why she quit.

I have a cousin that goes to my high school, and I had a class with him. It was a typing class. he is white, he thinks he is black, and walks around calling what people "wonder bread" and "cracker" and then he talks to the black kids like those rappers on tv, with a N-word that and a N-word this.

And they let it slide by. Last year, we were in class, and he did something wrong, the teacher asked him if he did it, my cousin responded "Yeah I did you damn cracker, and if you dont like it, Ill drag your @$$ outside and beat you with a broom stick."

Uh, excuse me, but if I ever said that, I would eiter get tons of detentions, suspensions, or just be plain out expelled, but he got away with it.

Not only that, every once and awhile, you read about some sort of illegal activity that has happened, god knows what, a murder, or theft or something, its something usually bad enough to land a normal person in jail.

But god forbid, when its a mentally disabled person, or what the court thinks it is, they get off the hook. I know, I know, not all the time, but there has been many cases were they go on, leading their normals lives, after doing something that should have been resulted in a life sentace.

I dont care if your disabled, mentally or physcally, you still have to abide by the rules. Yes, there is times, when, you should step back, and allow them to go ahead of you, but what that lady did was rude, and uncalled for.

We baby people so much now a days, they think they can get away with it, and they shouldnt. And that goes twards old people as well.
In response to Shades
my 11 year old brother kicked a teacher...
In response to Strawgate
I hope the teacher smashed him.
Reading through some of these posts, I thought that it was a little difficult in providing services that are designed for handicapped people.

There are thousands of ways you can be disabled/handicapped, so it's hard to just have a 'disabled cubicle', or parking space, etc.

Take my dad for instance. He's disabled. A few years ago he fell at work off a high tower-trolly type thing (it wasn't his fault, it was bust and not looked after properly). He was a music teacher, having to do the lights for a school production? Outrageous.
Anyway, now he has a slight limp and can find it hard to do long stints of walking (although it's getting better), so we can (if we have the ticket) park in disabled spaces.

Someone like my dad who is, for want of a better word, more 'normal' (*sigh* read: functional?) than other people with disabilities, doesn't need a specialised toilet or an assistant...etc.

They should categorise disabilities and cater more directly for the different groups. It's not as if categorising people is a bad thing- disabilities aren't taboo, are they?
In response to Scoobert
mentaly handicap ppl get more rights to evry thing thay have realy special needs often thay cant wait in a line and get very pissed realy easy thay dont see the same way we do for example if u tell one to do something to break the law chances are thay will do it cause thay were told to,but most of the time if the person turned mentaly handicap later in life and was not born with it he/or she will abuse there rights but yea its not fair but if thay have a little common sence like some do u can treat them a little diffrent from the extrere handicap ppl.

physical handicap ppl get more right 2 but if u notice the sign on the handicap restrom door has a whell chair for one reason it is specaily desgined to fit the needs of a person in a whell chair cause it has more support bars to help them out of the chair and back in to there whell chair but thay cant tell u to get out of the way or even pass in the line look up your states rights for handicap ppl and it will tell you that thay cant do that if thay have that pore of bladder control thay need to be but in adult dippers or somrhing along the lines of that.

National Guardsmen
In response to National Guardsmen
Please atleast try to not use shortcuts for words. Anyway, the handicapped stall isnt made just for them, its made so that they can use it with ease.
In response to Smoko
He got suspended for 2 months, and got 1 teacher giving him is home work for another 2, he was laughing cause he got a 3.8, I told him, it was because he didnt have to worry about the teacher dealing with other kids or correcting 30 papers. He got a good 4 hours a day for work straight.
You're right... Down with retarded people!

Give me a break :P
In response to SimpleLiver
All im saying, its not my problem that there disabled. So I don't feel that I need to treat them any differant. If I... Pulled the chair from under them, they fell there neck hit the metal, and they became paralyzed from the arms down, then it would be my fault.

P.S. That never happened....
In response to Strawgate
Not to mention personally, I would not want to use the stall after them... =P
In response to National Guardsmen
mentaly handicap ppl get more rights to evry thing thay have realy special needs often thay cant wait in a line and get very pissed realy easy

I know plenty of non-mentally-handicapped people that get very pissed really easily too.

thay dont see the same way we do for example if u tell one to do something to break the law chances are thay will do it cause thay were told to

<s>I completely agree.</s>
In response to Elation
I dont care if your retarted or not, a law is a law, and it needs to be treatd as such, no matter who breaks it.

In response to Shades
Shades wrote:
I dont care if your retarted or not, a law is a law, and it needs to be treatd as such, no matter who breaks it.


And no, I'm not. *cries*
In response to Elation
'retarted' is when you get brain blockages regarding small Alice-in-Wonderland pastries and psychotic Queens.

education aside, i don't think that disabled people get more rights or special rights, just better access to things that we take for granted - toilets, ramps, parking spaces. they still follow the same rules as other people, they just get better access due to their disability.

mental disabled people might be excused for some behavior, but they are not exempt from that behavior. i know several such individuals who tried to use this incapacity to their advantage- and still ending up with jail- or prison-time.
In response to Hedgemistress
Hedgemistress wrote:
That aside, how often do you even encounter a line in a non-single-occupancy restroom?

It all depends on how popular the place is.

I recall my uncle telling me about the lines for the restroom at the superbowl when he got back from that. There were lots and lots of stalls and urinals and yet the line still had over half an hour wait to get in. Then he gets in there and finds that the line is actually going faster than it should have because people are peeing in the sinks.

Nasty, but it happens.

And as for my own personal experiences, whenever I go to the mall there always seems to be a waiting line there.
In response to digitalmouse
Some kid was pushing in the line for a roller coaster. My dad stopped him and sent him to the back of the line. His mother said "He can't help it, he's got learning problems!". My dad replied with something along the lines of "stfu".
In response to Elation
It gets worse than that though. I was at a pool once years ago where someone was pushing to get at a water slide. Pushed one of the other kids right off and he landed on his head at the bottom on the hard floor. He was taken away in an ambulance, but I never did hear what came of him. Hope he didn't die.
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