Ok latetly Ive been on a game beating spree, in the past week I beat half my library of gamecube games, that all have been sitting at like 90% done since last year or longer.
Games I beat this week:
Paper Mario 2
Metroid Prime
Resident Evil 4
Mario Sunshine
Resditent Evil 2
Resident Evil 3
I also just ordered:
Alien Homidi
Viewtiful Joe 1 and 2
I am seriously considering picking up Donkey Konga for myself and Mario Party 6 for my little sister, anyone else have any game suggestions?
![]() Jul 25 2005, 12:33 am
Super Smash Bros is a good game you'll never finish.
You've probably played it, but if you haven't it's at least worth hiring. Although I found I didn't like it for the first few days, then went back to playing it later and loved it. |
Super Smash Bros is a good game you'll never finish. Yeah it is by far the best fighting game out there :). A very awsome game you shouldn't miss if you have a Gamecube. |
Me and my brother bought that as our first Gamecube game, and since it was a few months before we bought our second (incidently, Timesplitters 2), we played it for the entire duration of that time. It's kick ass!
Im a big fan of Mario and I used to own the N64 versions of mario tennis, golf, and super smash bros. Id recommend those games if you liked them in N64
beyond good and evil
tales of symphony Metroid Prime 2 Echoes Animal crossing is fun for the whole family for a little while if you have a GBA in the house, Zelda 4 swords Hunter the reckoning time splitters 1 (better than 2 in my opinion, and cheaper) The only zelda windwaker game out (and reserve the next one because it'll be huge) |
TimeSplitters 2(Fast paced FPS, try to keep up)
Eternal Darkness(Horror game that messes with your head) Animal Corssing(Sim with something to do everyday) Spider-Man2(Cool super heroe game) Lost Kingdoms(Card based rpg with 2 player battles, also check out LK 2) Soul Calibur II(A cool fighting game with plenty of unlockables) |
Shades wrote:
I also just ordered: I rented Alien Hominid, I have it right now, and let me tell you: It's hard. Don't expect not to die alot. Also, your fingers might hurt after playing it for awhile. It reminds me of Rampage, but has a bit more structure to it and it harder -_-. It's really good though =D 2 player is awsome. Lost kingdoms is awsome too =D Thats a long game... And even after you beat the last boss you can still unlock the 4 special cards. |
DarkCampainger wrote:
Shades wrote: I love Alien Hominidi, its alot like Metal Slug. And let me tell you buddy, I am "teh king" at games like these, I didnt die once until stage 3 or 4. |
LKII didn't take long to beat, I beat it in about 19 hours, I think. I've never played one, however.
RE:The Remake Beyond Good and Evil (I have it for my Xbox but I'm almost certain it came out for the GC and PS2) If you find Beyond Good and Evil, get it. Pay no attention to its cartoonish look. This is one of the best games I have ever played, with an excellent story to boot. |