In response to D4RK3 54B3R
I experienced no lag actually. Not all MMO's are boring, it's all opinion.
In response to Dession
eh okay
In response to Dession
Yeah, I just didn't get into the Matrix Online. I got into the stress test and played it about 4-5 hours. The only thing I really liked was being able to go into almost every building.

The only RPGs I've actually gotten and stuck to are Diablo/2, Guild Wars, and World of Warcraft. I own alot more than that too, they just tend to rot, come out for a week, then rot some more.
In response to SSJ2GohanDBGT
I love the hyperjumping in MxO. lol Landing on noobs scares the crap outa them. so fun so fun.

The building thing is good too... but people were complaining that a lot of them looked the same... They weren't appreciating the fact that MxO has the MOST dense Urban environment that allows you to enter each building.
In response to D4RK3 54B3R
MOST dense? Wrong.
I've seen games with way better urban thingies.
In response to D4RK3 54B3R
That was part of an event which I believe was called the Apocalypse or something like that. It explained the switch over from the beta server to the actual servers. The story behind it was something about the Machines were releasing people from the Matrix.
In response to Ol' Yeller
They all have to claim something, and if most people don't know any better they figure "What's the harm?". I play many games that are like that, it's all just a commercial spin-off. Doesn't hurt the game(usually :P).
they just closed down six of the nine servers... it can't be that good. Also, it's probably going to go bye bye as more and more mmorpg's come out.
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