Look up muds. If you like muds, I would recommend retromud.
You'll have to google it though, because at the moment it doesn't come to mind.
I had this free graphical anime style graphics mmorpg downloaded that was still in beta, it should have a battle system now and looked and felt like the quality of the mmorpg non-free game: Dark Ages (I used to have a pretty sweet wizzy on there). I really wish I could remember the name of it. O well, just do some searching. You might turn over a new leaf if you're persistant enough. Byond has it's share of morpgs. Mystic Journey, Sieka, Rise of Heros, etc. I like Sieka 2 the best. Original graphics does a lot more for me than stock RPG MAKER graphics.

Even though it requires a download ( i kno i kno, but just giving u a heads up) Anarchy Online is really, really cool.
Eh! I just thought of one! Faldon, it requires a download, but to be frank, who cares! Unless, of course, you're on a school (or someone elses) computer, in which case your options are very limited indeed.
There's a MUD-Type game out there called 'Nightmist-Online' it 's how I came to be in BYOND. Used to be called Cloud City. It's a great game, but it's lost it's what I'd call touch after it got completely overrun by idiot PKers (player-killers).

They've got protection in now. Still if you're interested it's located at http://www.nightmist-online.com

Free download, but its kind of like tabletop gaming on the computer.
In response to Popisfizzy
I heard of a Killerpets before...My god >.<
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