Click Here! (may have to right click save target as or copy and paste into browser) to see a picture of my network that I made through the great program: Microsoft Paint (I use Paint Shop Pro 7 but sometimes easy is better).
Anyways, as seen in the picture, my cable wont connect from the LINKSYS Network Hub with my windows XP Gateway computer (see the pink line?) I don't know how to access the 327W Westell router that Verizon sent me. It's commonly known to be a large piece of crap, and my dad set it up with a tech support guy and can't remember what he did. So...I looked on the internet and found the ip address ussually found for it brought up the linksys router(once again, see picture). I couldn't run a line from the westell router to the XP PC for some strange reason because of the way it is set up, it goes from the westell into the linksys.
So today I bought a 5-Port Network Hub, I put the Uplink cable from the Westell into the Uplink Port, placed a second cable in port 1 (port 5 doesn't work while the uplink port is being used, 1-4 do), and ran the second cable to the linksys router, and attempted to turn off and restart everything I could think of. Everything works except for my Gateway PC's internet connection...Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? I really hate talking to Tech Support people (they're nice, it's just awkward), plus, I made a really sweet picture for easy viewing.
Any help/thoughts/suggestions or cash appreciated!
Edit* Alright, Picture moved, sort of.
Aug 14 2005, 6:38 pm
Aug 14 2005, 8:29 pm
Eh, well, I pretty much found a way around my problem.
In response to Rockinawsome
I like how "PC Room" has one of four computers in it :P