As I post this message I have 15 minutes left until my mother gets home, well she had found out I had been betting money in Madden 2006 games and then decided I was 'wasting my life and money in video games' :/ even though I made over $100.00, I think she just fears me losing everything then someone commin after me. Anyway to my friends, stay cool. And to my enemies, i'll miss arguing with everyone of you. ---~ 1 ~---
Heh, this is like my going away post a couple of years ago :P Posted about 15 minutes before my mother came home and ripped the cord out of the wall.

Heh, with gambling, I find it funny when people don't recognize a good gambler. With casinos and stuff, people just put endless money into slot machines and stuff and it's just randomly picked winners. However, the things I like to do, are the ones where SOMEBODY is guarenteed to win, especially if it takes skill.

I've played poker with my friends, and I made them so broke that I gave them half their money back and then won it all back again. Same with 21.
In response to Kunark
.> even though i hardly knew you it was great being with you. GOODBYE!
Bye Cheenis :( I will miss your Cheenie-nes.