So...why do download transfer rates always seem to get slower over time? I started downloading this file(717 MB)... it started at a couple MB/sec , and at this point(96%) it's doin 155 KB/sec.

My theory is that the speed estimating thing is dodgy when it only has small numbers to work with. But it might have something to do with the server giving preference to new connections or something... I really don't know.

And don't complain about those transfer speeds. I would kill to get 155KB/sec. =P

(The killing part was a joke. >_>)
Use Download Accelerator Plus, seems to keep my speeds up really well.
It's possible that when you click on something to download, you're taking a long time to decide where to actually put the file. When I click a file, it's already downloading, but the download rate recording thingie doesn't start until you've decided where the file will go. You could probably time it so that half of the file is downloaded before you finish the "Save As" thing and it'll assume that grabbed half the file in a second (even though you didn't).
In response to Crispy
Crispy wrote:
And don't complain about those transfer speeds. I would kill to get 155KB/sec. =P

Dial-up user?

In response to Hiead
Hah. DSL isn't even near that, especially for me.
In response to Kunark
Kunark wrote:
Hah. DSL isn't even near that, especially for me.

..I have cable... RoadRunner is pretty cool.

In response to Hiead
I get about 700kb/s normally ;)
In response to Critical
My HIGHEST is 25kbs.
In response to Kunark
Critical, i envy ur connection...even downstairs, its like 2-300 hundred... but my friend..heheh he gets 1.5 mbs per sec...dude you gotta be jealous of THAT speed!
In response to Hiead
Hiead wrote:
Crispy wrote:
And don't complain about those transfer speeds. I would kill to get 155KB/sec. =P

Dial-up user?

No, thankfully. (I used to be, and I'd get about 5 KB/sec. On a good day. *shudder*)

I'm on what passes for cable internet in this part of the world. Sad, isn't it? =\ Mind you, I am on the cheapest plan, because the others are too expensive, but they don't go up more than 2-4 times faster. Which means I'd be getting 200 KB/sec on the most expensive plan.

It's the only bad part of living in Australia - our internet sucks. =P
In response to Crispy
What company you with?

Im with some guys called Pacific Net and I pay $55 a month for 512/128 kbps unlimited time/downloads (it's capped during the day business hours but I'm not home then anyways). I figure it's a pretty good plan... Still crap download rate, but better than most...

- GunRunner
In response to Kunark
Kunark wrote:
My HIGHEST is 25kbs.

Now THAT sounds like dial-up. And aren't you on 98? I really feel bad for you, man.

Well, The smurfs inside your computer eat lots when your not downloading, so the bigger the file the more they have to work, and like humans, working there hardest makes them tires, so they slow down. Feed your smurfs more and you wont have a problem.
In response to GunRunner
TransACT, on Home Pack 1 ($59.95 a month). We have to pay an ISP separately as well - currently we're with Velocity, on the TR1 plan, which is $18.95 a month (see the plan listing).

So all up, that's $78.90 a month, which would be ridiculously expensive just for broadband. Thankfully, it includes cable TV and a cheap phone line. Calls to other TransACT customers are free, which is nice because many of my friends have TransACT. =)

Foxtel charges $50 a month just for their basic cable TV service* - so if you look at it that way, we're paying $28.90 a month for 1Mbps/256kbps internet, which for Australia is darn cheap. Our downloads aren't unlimited, but we never use 1.5 GB a month so they might as well be.

*(Okay, so Foxtel has more channels. But I wouldn't watch most of them anyway. =P)

Edit: All prices are in Australian dollars, by the way.