I am going to sell my old PC to a friend.

It is a P4, 533MHZ system, with a bootleg copy of XP installed
It has about 800MB of installed ram.
A 128MB PNY radeon video card.
A CD-RW and a Normal CD Drive
A Floppy Drive

I don't want to make it too expensive, but I dont want to rip myself off either.
In AU $200-250
In response to Critical
somthing of 190
Shades wrote:
It is a P4, 533MHZ system, with a bootleg copy of XP installed

You find me a P4 that runs at 533, and I will show you a product that doesn't exist. Now I am guessing you mean Front Side Bus. That is very different from the clock speed of a CPU(Although an important factor). You are actually discrediting yourself by making the system seem slower than it is.
In response to Scoobert
Unless, its heavily underclocked
In response to Scoobert
I wouldn't doubt that it exists. My dad has a P4 that runs below 1.5 GHz. It's an older model of the P4 before they got into all these high numbers like...3! XD

In response to Hiead
Pentium changed the model quite a bit, but the basic design was still the same, so it was still "Pentium 4". Just like Athlons go anywhere from a 32-bit 1 Ghz structure to a 64-bit 2.6 Ghz structure.

I'd have to see an unclocked Pentium 4 @ 500 mhz to believe it. :p
In response to SSJ2GohanDBGT
Sorry, typo, its a P3. Relax. Besides, You COULD probly force a P4 to run at that if you wanted to.

Anyways, I deicded, to give it to him for the shipping fees.
In response to Shades
It's not half bad, but the processor sucks. You already decided so i'm not going to say a price.