![]() Sep 28 2005, 2:17 pm
In response to Popisfizzy
Just north of a place known as Yurop.
I have to be in shape, for my age group, I have to keep under a 36 in. waist, maintain a 12 minute or less 1.5 mile run, 45 pushups in 60 seconds, and 45 situps in the same. Plus, Physical Conditioning is mandatory three times a week, and I started a "Black Ops" Run Team that runs every monday, wednesday, and friday at 5:00 a.m. I'm in fantastic shape, and probably one of the most in-shape Air-Force Korean Linguists on the Army Post that I'm stationed on. Maybe my buddy AB Martel or A1C Tabinas have me beat on pushups, but nobody can top me on the run... Except A1C Sarillo... But he's in Arabic... Anyway, point is, programmers come in all shapes and sizes. Some of us aren't your stereotypical soda-gulping, chip-chewing, burger-pounding fatboys, and skinny thick-framed glasses-wearing, "I have no friends" kind of people. Those are STEREOTYPES. You only see 10% of us nerds, because you don't realize that most of us have OTHER interests, such as, in my case in highschool, football, wrestling, track, and shorinji kempo. In short, I'm awesome... I don't think that was my original point... But... *leaves in absolute victory* |
Heh... I'm going to print out a bunch of "Reply to Message" pages from the internet, and just write in those by hand, and tape them to people... Then, I won't have to actually say "lol"... Not like I ever type it anyway...
Look at it this way, it could be much worse, we could be LARPing a game of SS13. SO many people would die... |
Therein lies the problem. BYOND is a much too young community. Most of us are mature, grown adults on our own... Oh... Wait, I mean, most of the people I know. Anyway, the rest of the community is around 12-17, and still living with their parents. I myself, have a 250 mile leash from my duty station, and a midnight curfew on the weekends until two weeks from now, at which time I have 300 miles, and no curfew period.
Then again, we could always just show up in Orange County and start screaming for Dan and Tom. <font size=1>even though dan is dead... And in Spuzzum's basement... (Or was it Foomer's?)</font> That would make a splash. I'm only stationed 7 hours from the OC, and it is definitely out of my range, but I could make it in a weekend if I left on friday and came back early on sunday... Getting by bedchecks might be a little rough, though. It probably won't start happening ever, unless both the age of average members of BYOND begins to rise, and BYOND's userbase increases tenfold... And BYOND goes paid-only. Because, well, that would chase a lot of the younger members out, and give Dan & Tom more incentive to work harder and make some more attractive features. |
Dan was sent to Mars for assulting an Officer who ordered him to fire on Civilians where he is currently fighting Daemons!
Ter13 wrote:
Those are STEREOTYPES. Yup! It's just like any other commonly stereotyped group, like say the army for example. It's not as though servicemen and -women are always obsessed with macho-ism and will take any excuse or none as an opportunity to brag about their physical prowess, or xenophobic elitists who look down their nose at civilians and are quick to insult anyone who falls outside of their own fraternal clique. People are far too complex to be defined by their hobbies or even their careers--for every person we meet that makes us go "Oh, I knew at a glance that guy/gal had to be a such-and-such", there are two or three or ten whose interests we never would've guessed from their appearance or attitude. Of course, stereotypes work both ways, too--more than once I've been surprised by the uniformed sight of an acquaintance that I would've thought by their personality to be among the last people to ever join the armed forces. It's easy to fall into the trap of relying on such predetermined perceptions, even though reality seldom matches the stereotypes. |
So what you're saying is that Dan's bag has built-in Doom 3? Now that's advanced technology. We're talking nearly BYOND-level. ;-)
Ter13 wrote:
Ter13<--Military12 minute mile?! I could do that walking. I would join the military, but you need 20/30 in each eye or better uncorrected to join |
12 minute mile-and-a-half, actually. Read his post again. =) So that's the equivalent speed of an 8-minute mile, but longer.
I'd be all for this if:
A.) I was certain I wouldn't be made fun of for being a young'un ( Heh. ). B.) It was in the U.S. C.) I could drive. |
That would be cool... I would be able to drive from where I live... And i could pick up Zaltron on the way there! Muahaahahaha >:D
Dude, I have lush thighs but for some reason my arms suck. I can't do more than 10 pushups without collapsing. =/
I can't do many push-ups due to the fact I broke my arm and it hurts like hell when I do any.
Plus I'm weak. |
Haha this wouldn't work. I remember one time Rae Kwon and I were sworn to fight if it ever happened. I wouldn't mind lacing up... haha. Anyway to all those guys that can do pushups and what not.... "YOUR MOM GOES TO COLLEGE!"
-Frank |
Just do 10 then collapse, then do so many more, and again, rise and repeat till you done that for 2 hours. With about 3 minutes between sets. Then wait 2 weeks and do it again. You will do 50 - 80 pushups come after those 2 weeks. As long as you don't do any other things with your arms. If you can't do at least 50 pushups. You majorlly screwed up my instructions.