It is gonna be awesome it looks like your are controlling the show! it even has bebi vegeta in it so many characters that youve never played before are in this game. Go here for screen shots
Yep its cool..I podted the intro mvoie a while back...I'm sitll holding out to get it on its release date..^_^
BloodRayne666 wrote:
It is gonna be awesome it looks like your are controlling the show! it even has bebi vegeta in it so many characters that youve never played before are in this game. Go here for screen shots

So, what have we got here?
  • A bunch of neon glowing flying hedgehogs
  • Some kind of flying lizard
  • A piece of flying gum in the form of a human
  • Some kind of.. flying stone thing with purple pus sacks?
    What kind of game is this?
In response to Sinoflife
Sinoflife wrote:
What kind of game is this?

One based on an anime?
They all seem to look the same after a while. All the Budokai series just looked a minior inhancment. But all the sprites looked the same. And in my opinion, what is the point of getting around 7 games of the same thing, but maybe a different story line? Rather pointless?
