Azusa RP Online

by Inutaishos
Azusa RP Online
New Game Mode: Battle Arena, and Free to play steam period!

Azusa Generations v2.1 Quests Systems!

Still on the same game design ideas adopted in the 2.0 update, I have noticed that new players even after finishing tutorial still didn't know what to do and had no real objective, ended up lost and stopped playing too early (before really having the chance to find out more about the game)... So to change this I made a Quest system, that works like this: Everyone at creation gains a "Lifetime Quest-Line" its a questline with 31 quests; at first the quest gives you +1 RP Points (used to gain everything in game, armors, status, multiclass etc) the second quest gives +2, the third gives +3 and so on... So if you finish all your lifetime quests you can get up to 1+2+3+4..+29+30+31 = 496 RPPs (or more) When you die, you can't continue doing your lifetime quest, however you will gain a new questline called DeathTime with 21 subquests and up to +231 RPPs (or more). So when you die you don't get lost and think the game is over (in Azusa its just starting!)

The Quests system also helps alot to improve the Generations System, Since the Generations stacks all your previous characters RPPoints, going through generations means restarting not just to the sweet 4x youth gains, but re-start your questlines, so you can do your lifetime all again and get more 496 RPPs that will stack to all your next generations out of that (for free, without needing any log check etc) So quests now are another extra advantage of the ones who keeps playing through generations over the immortal ones; (Also this makes the mid-war times worth playing, since you can die of age faster in those periods, means you can do more quests and stack more rppoints to your next character)

Also there is another cool system with the Quests: The Custom Questlines can be created by ranked players, such as Death Lord and Elites; and for example make a quest line as a training for your pupil and if you make the quest line with atleast 5 subquests you can make it possible for your pupil to become an ordinary Guardian/Reaper from that! However the custom questlines aren't as good as Lifetime/Deathtime, they can stack only up to 10 subquests... And every Custom Quests must be IC, and every task must have a legit IC description as rule; this is to guide your pupil's trainings!

Quest have actually two types: Find Items and Kill This, The Customizer can type the name of the desired Item and the amount the player will have to find, or the mob they have to kill and its amount, however the Custom Quests can be used to kill players! So if you are a master and want to set your pupils to kill someone, just type there the player name! Maybe in the future more quests types will be added, like "Train this" to get certain amount of certain status...

We have finally added the Self Writting Book! after years thinking on how to implement the main feature on Azusa's design, I have finally decided... And basically it works as a relic, but in a diffrent way: Bosses will drop SWB pages, and reading one gives you a temporary boost of 0.01 ENERGY! (energy works side by side with power at multiplying the combat results, however Energy only increases for alive people, its like the holy source of power: Also happens to increase at God Interactions) Sounds little, but yeah, a page alone can't do alot... But they can stack up to 4000 pages (This is what is required for the full book) And the full book gives +40 energy (THIS IS ALOT) means you will get 40x stronger just by reading it, in comparison the Elites armor gives 35 power! So if the four elites read the full book even Death Lord will have troubles fighting them... But wait, how the hell you expect me to find 4000 pages?! Actually I dont... the page gathering is a loong process made by alot of diffrent players and generations: It works like this; You can't logout carrying a page! If you logout the page will drop and they save on the map, so every fount page will keep hidden somewhere in game for you to find and stack! Other detail is: SWB is the holliest relic, it means dead people(Reapers nor DL) can touch them! So if DL want to get rid of the SWB he will have to manipulate an alive innocent to do the dirty job (as it was done in the prologue that got the book splitted) SWB pages also can't be destroyed, so the amount of pages in world will always increase as players defeat Dungeons! And as some will ignore the power of those pages, it will end up being the main key of defeating Death Lord someday!

Added Credits system!
1 Credit can be used to buy a Subscriber Race for a single character;
1 Credit can be used to buy a random relic;
1 Credit can be used to buy an extra Spawn
1 Credit can be used to buy a random backup skill;

Also added some new animals for you to hunt/train! Forest Dungeon is now avaliable, New trees and the brand new area! The "New Land" Is almost ready for players to explore, so I opened the north part of it and its a snowy land with Polar Bears! A perfect place for some players wanting to play as heremit (The map now is really huge, you will love to explore it!) Here is the change log:

Azusa Generations v2.1
*Optimize (Another roll of changes that reduces lag)
*Quests System!
*Self Writting Book System!
*Changes on Spar Gains (Fixed a bug where Angels was gaining faster then they should!)
*Reviews on Generation System (Made it actually worth playing through Generations)
*Farm Review (Reviewed the Farm Times)
*New Standalone (Remade Azusa Standalone, download at: azusa-generations-v2 )
*Fixed PowerBug (The annoying bug where players lost their power from armor is gone!)
*Forest Dungeon (Defeat Queen Churanha!)
*DeathTime/Lifetime Final Quests( Save the world or be the Death Lord's favourite!)
*Credit Systems!
*New Animals! (Deer, Giraffe, Tiger and Polar Bear)
The blur effect you put on the images is nauseating, the icons all seem to clash with each other as well. You can tell the first image's terrain came from the same place, but the second images trees/grass/giraffe just look uncannily out of place.
The SWB sounds like an unbalanced problem waiting to happen when the SWB is finished its sounds like we're just going to wipe because evil can't win anymore.
DL have 85 power without relics xD Even with complete SWB a basic DL can overpower you... Its not unbalanced; plus we all know evil side have alot of other advantages such as death immortality etc...

(And thats assuming you are an Elite)
Elite Lion + Full SWB = Profit
Getting Elite Lion + Full SWB = worth the effort, since both are the hardest thing to get in Azusa...