Final Fantasy 1-2: Ported to GBA
Final Fantasy 3: Being Remade in 3D for DS.
Final Fantasy 4-6: Being Ported to GBA. they just need to compress FF7 and make it a 2-card DS game.
![]() Oct 5 2005, 9:22 pm
I'd shoot for 3d for FF7 it was a cool game..Making it a card game would upset plenty of fans I bet.
Mecha Destroyer JD wrote:
I'd shoot for 3d for FF7 it was a cool game..Making it a card game would upset plenty of fans I bet. Unless I am mistaken, FF7 was 3d. Maybe it's not true 3d because of the static backgrounds or something... I could be wrong. When he said "2 cart game" I think he meant a two cartridge game, just like how the original FF7 was spread out on three discs. |
EDIT..Ah I see..Not card, cart..>_<
Btw, I wasn't saying FF7 wasn't in 3D. By the way I misinterpreted, I was saying the game would be betetr in 3D form. |
Mecha Destroyer JD wrote:
Btw, I wasn't saying FF7 wasn't in 3D. By the way I misinterpreted, I was saying the game would be betetr in 3D form. You just contradicted yourself there. "It is in 3D, but it would be better than it currently is if it was in 3D"? =) Unless you mean that the game would have been better if its third dimension was used more, in which case I disagree. FF7 had many flaws; only using (for the most part) two of its three dimensions was not one of them. =P |
Ok, when he said "cart" I mistaked it for "card", so I thought he was saying they should make a FF7 card game for DS. For that, I said it would be better in 3D form instead of a card game.
It's like what my English teacher is saying for the MEAP,
Becareful on what you're reading, if you read it wrong, I'll flunk you! |
Allegedly the DS can use up to 1GB cards, and that would hold all of FF7, as there was alot of redundant info on each CD (like maps for pretty much everything).
If they remake FF7, it'll be for PS3 because they know that there are millions of reta... fans, who think FF7 is the god of all games (like the people at, who nobody predicted would proclaim FF7 the best game of all times.. ;), and they'd make a killing off the ps3 launch with just that. I don't understand the reason for making ff3j into a spiffy 2d game. I've had the game for years, it's a decent game, but 4 or 6 would've been much, much better to see made into a fully 3-d game. |
So they are doing Final Fantasy 6 in 3-D huh? I wish they would do Final Fantasy 5 also. But in 3-D? I don't know. I mean, they would have to do it REALLY good or they would just ruin it, like they did with Chronicles.