It has been brought to my attention that people have been using my name (Falano) To get what they want from games...such as gm and such...and to use my fame from NO(naruto online) To do whatever they please or to ruin my reputation in any way.
If my Byond Key does not just say "Falano" or has a space in it or any bypass of just "Falano"
Or if they use a diffrent msn other than "[email protected]" They are imposters.
So please check thoroughly before you believe that person is Acctually me, Falano.
Thank you.
Oct 10 2005, 1:26 pm
Oct 10 2005, 1:43 pm
Shouldn't you post that in the games forum?
In response to N1ghtW1ng
I was talking in general of byond. It was more than one game. And yes i did post in the games forums that i knew of.