(See the best response by FKI.)
So I'm trying to get a game published and have enabled features for Subs / credits all that good stuff.

Whats the process for doing this? All I see on my part that I've done is check the box to have the game public. And past that I don't know how ot push it to be looked over? Should I email a staff? And where would I look for a response to my publication?

Byond's Gangsta
Best response
Byond's system will notify you when (if) your game gets listed, which you'll see in your game's forum. If it's eligible for subscriptions/credits, the moderator who lists your game will enable those features for your hub.

All you have left to do now is wait.
Aiight cool. About to pass you an original question here.

What is the average wait time for something like this?

Byond's Gangsta
In response to Rod5
I couldn't tell you honestly. I've seen people wait a couple days to being completely forgotten about (to which they usually ask why it hasn't been listed and get an immediate response/result).

In my personal experience, it took less than a couple of hours. My project was online when I made it public though, so that probably sped up the process.
Ah, alright. Thanks.