Anyone here play Go (board game also known as igo(japanese), weichi(chinese), and baduk(korean))?

I'm just curious, as Go is one of my major obsessions and hobbies.

I've played Go, but have not for a while (for lack of opponents); I would be interested in picking it up again. I would be more interested in getting opponents interested in Hasami Shogi, though. :)
In response to IainPeregrine
Ah, that's cool. I've been playing a little less than a year, and I'm playing at around AGA 1 dan level. I'm attempting to program a Go engine into BYOND, but for the time being, if you'd like to play, The Kiseido Go Server is a nice server. You can find me as Solus on there :)
In response to Nitrose
Your link doesn't work. Anyway, I love Igo! I have to admit that I'm very weak, probably because I don't play often. There's a go center run by the Nihon Kiiin two hours away from where I live, so if I'm in the area sometimes I will go there and play a game or two.

I don't like playing on the internet though, people seem to enjoy mauling weak players rather than teaching. XD

[Edit] I happen to play Shogi as well, but I'm not quite sure what you mean by Hasami Shogi. If I remember correctly, Hasami means Scissor. [/Edit]
In response to Mage_man
Mage_man wrote:
I happen to play Shogi as well, but I'm not quite sure what you mean by Hasami Shogi. If I remember correctly, Hasami means Scissor.

That would make sense, because the objective of Hasami Shogi is the capture of enemy pieces between two of your own. I find that has some very good Shogi articles:
The type I'm used to playing is described at the bottom, and is called 'Dai Hasami Shogi.'
In response to Nitrose
Yeah, I've been playing Go for a few years now. I have bought and read through a few books on Go. In response to what Nitrose said(there has to be some reason I replied to him, right?), You can also play at , where I play every now and then when I just want to get in a quick game or two. Of course, with an unstable router/Net connection, I usually play solitary games with various software I have(such as TurboGo). I've been to the Kiseido server, but have never actually played there.

In response to Hiead
Sorry missed a colon in my link...

This one should work.

I've played at yahoo, but I find kiseido to be a lot better. Its got a nice interface, and the ranking system is very consistent.
In response to Nitrose
If I were to make either Go or a version of Shogi using DM, do you think it'd get many players? If so, is anyone here interested in working as a team on this project?
In response to IainPeregrine
I'm working on a Go program for BYOND as we speak, so you should work on a version of shogi, and we can release them at the same time and flood BYOND with asian board games!

buahahahaha >:)
In response to Nitrose
It'd probably be Hasami Shogi, though, as I've never played regular Shogi. Also, I'm already working on another project (Reverie), so I'd rather work on this as part of a group.
In response to IainPeregrine
if someone makes a Go engine for BYOND, i'll play!
In response to Mage_man
*is a Shogi and go player* I love that 25x25 board one, its damn awesome, if not very, very long.