If you are unfamiliar with tom goes to the mayor it's an Adult Swim animation series Cartoon Network aired starting November of '04. Here is a technique to reproduce the character effects used in its unique style of animation:

"Tom goes to the mayor" effect in Photoshop

1) Get a photo of a person
2) Cut him/her our of the background
3) Make a new layer and set that person on top of the background layer
3) Set foreground/primary selection to a blue color (I used 4561C4)
4) Set background/secondary selection to a white color (I used F4F6F5)
5) Select the layer with the cut out person
6) Go to "Filter" => "Sketch" => "Photocopy"
7) Set "Detail" to 2 (or experiment)
8) Set "Darkness" to 50 (or experiment)
9) Apply the filter
10) Done



...and no, I have no idea who that girl is, I just did a Google image search for "green screen" and she's what came up...


We should make flash movies with this technique...

(Original message)


Found a better guide: 00000086.html
