Well, I got a jump drive, I plug it into the USB ports, yet it wont load. (i think its the schools comps thru) For those wondering im trying to get BYOND in school. But even once the JumpD is plugged in, i cant find any place to load it from. Any thing i can type to bring it up. Few screenies to see what the system looks like. Screenshot2.png Screenshot1.png
Try something like 'mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/jump' (Making sure of course, that sda1 is where it's plugged in, and the /mnt/jump exists. You can find if it's sda1 by viewing the last few lines of /var/log/message right after you plug it in. That is, if the system picked it up.)
In response to Nadrew
Schools using linux...That makes me happy. Anywho, chances are, he doesn't have rights to mount, I guess it is worth a try. Looks like he is using RedHat, redhat was always good with me about mounting my jumpdrive automaticly. I can't remember where it mounted it to though. Sometimes I wan't logical drives like on Windows. Actualy, I don't want the actual lettering, just a standard list of all drives connected and loaded(Like "My Computer" does).
In response to Scoobert
Ehem, alot of schools require Admin status to install things into the hardrive(C) or installing things such as FlashDrives.