Coming Soon

Dragonball Outcast the New Improve i do admitt the Old Dragonball Outcast was a peace of [stuff] which i promise you this version is all new orginal icons And Coding we have a map Maker we are Looking for Beta Testers before it comes Released please Post on viewtopic.php?p=4&sid=a1bcc62ab00f9540db1e7d1a7cc07fee#4

In response to Divine Apprentice
In response to Govegtos
None of those are orignal icons like you stated.
In response to Sniper Joe
Yea they are,Only Post in the game forums if ur interested.
In response to Govegtos
No, those are Majin and Mystics Bases, random RPG Maker, and random SNES games turfs. Nothing original.
In response to Sniper Joe
aka Dragonball Zen V4. Same HUD, Base, Turf, Mapping...
In response to Frailen
Dang, Govegtoast. I thought this time you seriously *attempted* to try and make a non rip. Guess I was wrong. Some people never learn.
In response to Frailen
The Map is Under Construction So but i am still Looking for Mappers And only if ur Serious in beta testing with dragonball Outcast and Post on the forums Mods plz lock this
Dragonball Outcast the New Improve i do admitt the Old Dragonball Outcast was a peace of [stuff] which i promise you

Yah, your original icons suck, Zeta> Govegtos, i mean come on dude, you stated that your game was new and improved, it just went from horrible to crappy, good job.
In response to Govegtos
I do believe you are missing the point, you lied about your originality, and no matter if you change the map, it will remain a rip.
In response to Frailen
No point in saying that. He will never learn to not rip.
In response to Smoko
Lol... how are those Zeta icons that have been around for years his