Heres a movie about the X-Box 360 production line :)
Thats my basement =)
How old can it be when it's for a new system?
In response to Loduwijk
Loduwijk wrote:
How old can it be when it's for a new system?

Its the production line of them being built. It is a new system to the market, but has been in production for a while, obviously.

In response to Stealth 2k
Stealth 2k wrote:
Its the production line of them being built. It is a new system to the market, but has been in production for a while, obviously.

Then someone should tell them that more time usually means they should have more of their product made.

Maybe it's just an isolated incident, but game store in the mall I go to only had 6 systems in the day they were released.
In response to Loduwijk
They did that on purpose. :\
In response to Hell Ramen
X-Box 360 $500,000 brand new!
*Bill Gates marches in*
Bill: Ill bid $600,000
In response to Loduwijk
Loduwijk wrote:
Stealth 2k wrote:
Its the production line of them being built. It is a new system to the market, but has been in production for a while, obviously.

Then someone should tell them that more time usually means they should have more of their product made.

Maybe it's just an isolated incident, but game store in the mall I go to only had 6 systems in the day they were released.

Each store received a certain amount of consoles depending on the amount of games they chose to sell. MS knew they were going to have people going home empty handed. Its just all involved in there marketing plan for the system. Some places are receiving shipments weekley as of now. If you are after one, and have not pre-odered you'll have to just have really good timing with some of the places who didn't allow pre-orders in the first place. What kinda sucks is a lot of stores are offering them in bundle packs which are running between 600-800 dollars average. Kinda taking advantage, and people complain, but people buy also. I wouldn't mind having an Xbox360 if I didn't have other things to worry about first. If I was to get one, I would get the premium package (not bundle) all alone, and work from there. I'm interested to see what PS3 has to offer though, and even Nintendo, but I have not been a fan of Nintendo since the 64 =P

In response to Hell Ramen
Maybe, but another big problem is pre-ordering. There are people who pre-order as many units they can and then turn around and re-sell the pre-order on eBay for big bucks.
In response to Loduwijk
These days, last week == old...