Dec 7 2005, 1:43 pm
ive oticed there is not a lot of advertisement for this great site and have started trying to get known tv shows/stations(well ones that'll show the advertisement) and i think other people should try this as well to get more players and money for the creators/new games(maybe?) i have emailed a station called g4tv many times and whether or not it was from my suggestions and emails they have showed it on a show called Filter and maybe more shows in the future.
Dec 7 2005, 2:27 pm
BYOND isn't in the advertising stage yet. It's not really ready for that level of traffic.
In response to DarkView
while your enthusiasm is great sgt, as DV said, BYOND is not ready for that level of traffic just yet. if you search through the forums for topics about advertising, you'll find that this has been discussed before. the upper staff have suggested on holding off on major exposure for the time being.