The demo I wanted to upload was 3kb. 3 friggin kilo bytes and that was going to cost me $24
If you're looking to have direct links to downloads and can't find a storage solution, you can probably get a shared vps for cheaper. Install apache and setup a web server. Hey, now you can host BYOND games too.
Zecronious, I understand your point of view. What we are trying to get across is that BYOND's model at this moment is essentially freeware. In the past Membership may have had more "value"-- we did things like restricting hub creation and instant messaging, and, heck, the initial idea way back in 1996 was just to charge for keys (never happened, maybe it should have!) Now all of that is free. You aren't paying to get a little bit of filespace-- that would be absurd. You are paying to fund development. The model is like voting: you can get away with not doing your part and maybe it won't make a difference, but if everyone feels this way, the whole system falls apart.
Which is basically what I said. Aren't these donations?
I shouldn't have to spend hours looking for a file host to make a hub. If I wanna donate that's another thing but what's the point in putting someone through what I did just so they can use your website to post a game/demo? |
Lavitiz wrote:
If you're looking to have direct links to downloads and can't find a storage solution, you can probably get a shared vps for cheaper. Install apache and setup a web server. Hey, now you can host BYOND games too. That's even more expensive than BYOND and all your links stop working the moment you unsubscribe from a VPS. All I wanted to do was post a 3kb demo on BYOND. Is that such a hard thing? Why does that need to be so difficult? |
Zecronious wrote:
Lavitiz wrote: You can find some extremely cheap vps's out there. You'd be surprised. Same with dedicated servers. |
Zecronious wrote:
If I wanna donate that's another thing but what's the point in putting someone through what I did just so they can use your website to post a game/demo? You are basically saying that along with everything else BYOND gives users for free, they should give filespace too. Sometimes enough is enough. At any rate, once https works or the system downloads through the browser by default (something I've been encouraging Lummox JR to work towards soon, as it's a pretty easy thing), you can just use dropbox. |
Tom wrote:
Zecronious wrote: If HTTPS works that's problem solved, otherwise the hub system has a usability issue. Enough is enough? Really, you'd hit me up for $24 for a 3KB download? Jesus Tom. |
A.T.H.K wrote:
No you wouldn't, most of you except lavitz and myself would.. Ive sunk plenty of BYONDPanels minimal profits into BYOND and that was mainly the whole point of the project. I don't make money off it and I've put time and effort into it. I've given away BYOND memberships in the past. I also bought five-year memberships for both my main account (this one), and the account I host all my games under; along with making donations. Zecronious wrote: If HTTPS works that's problem solved, otherwise the hub system has a usability issue. Enough is enough? Really, you'd hit me up for $24 for a 3KB download? Jesus Tom. If every BYOND user were able to upload files, it would add up very fast as most people aren't trying to upload just three kilobytes. BYOND has been around for many years and would grow to be a looot of files. |
BYOND could offer a tiny bit of space to those that are not members.
I'm sure 20-50mb isn't asking too much and should be more than enough for libraries. |
Lavitiz wrote:
BYOND could offer a tiny bit of space to those that are not members. Enough is enough Lavitiz, we can't have people doing this. |
I could understand if it was for just a month. but this is for an entire year
Nigga who aint got 24 dollars? Byond's Gangsta |
Lets get this straight. I can pay for membership. I have over $24 dollars to my name.
What I don't have is the want to spend $24 on BYOND membership which gives me practically nothing.
I have better and more important things to spend money on.
I'm not looking for charity. I'm looking to make a point that $24 is wayyy too expensive to end up getting jack all for it. A profile picture and some file storage.