Sadly the average American and some others only see unecessary system features and kiddie games...0_0
Did you just diss TES4: Oblivion?!
Honestly though, Computer > Console and most consoles are the same. This entire thing is pretty damn pointless |
I actully agree. That is a big problem now adays. The average amercian home will have 4 TV sets, and in that home there will be at least one DVD player.
Each new next gen system will have a DVD player built in, but thats not all, along with that, you will be able to surfe the web, copy DVDs and all sorts of other things. The best example for hardware is the Sony PSP. They try and make it into a multimedia giant. And what happens? Its a Portable PS2, with 3X the power of the Nintendo DS, it has half the battery life, and it plays crappy UMDS that I would never watch to begin with. Truth be told, I havent used a fraction of the things you can use on your PSP, but Ive used everything at least once on my NDS. By putting so much stuff in a system, it starts to make it really expensive. Like the Sony PS3. Why am I forced to pay for hardware, that can create frame rates, I cant even freaking SEE with my own natural eyes? Its complete and utter BS. I wish we were still in the 8bit era. |
For all of you people that think Xbox 360 sucks because of glitches or whatever, not all of them are like that. If you don't like it because of gameplay, and you haven't tried a good amount of games, either try more or wait until the developers get used to them and then say what you think. By the way, I have one, and it works perfectly.
I think he was complimenting Oblivion by saying that he would rather play Oblivion then walk around in a field and see each and every blade of grass wave around in the wind. Oblivion is mostly the only reason I wanted the Xbox 360. Even though most people prefer the computer to make their own mods for TES series, I favor the console versions because it runs much smoother for me and the controls are much easier as well.
I'm sure most of them do to an extent, they probably wouldn't be on BYOND unless they liked games for gameplay.
I personally think all consoles have their qualities, game-wise. I don't give a rats ass about what hardware they have. I am a little dissipointed by the X-box, so far. None of it's games have really grabbed my interest unless it's a game for another system as well. Halo was pretty good, but we all know that was the king of all X-box games, so if that was the best then I probably won't like any of their other games very much at all. The gamecube has some decent games, but not wonderful. None of them have really caught my attention, and to tell the truth, I'm kind of sick of seeing Mario running around in every damn game. I liked back when I had a choice in my adventure games, like when Gex and Rayman were out. Playstation 2 has been my favorite so far, since it's had my favorite games on it, but in the past year or so they haven't produced anything that wonderful. |
My biggest problem with the Xbox is the fact of the games. Granted the Xbox has a very large library and it may appeal to many "mature" gamers, but I am 21 and half of those games don't appeal to me.
Most of the games for the Xbox consists of either something adult, that involves alot of suggestive lingo and nudity, or a first person shooter, sports or racing. A very small fraction of the Xbox library is made up of role playing or adventure games, which is what I live for. Games I currently legally own: Doom 3, Gun, Half Life 2 Gamesi currently illegaly own: KOTOR 1 & 2, Strangers Wrath, Fable and Mavrel VS Capcom 2 Mind you, I paid extra and got a whopping 40GB HD installed in my machine, and I use only like 10% of that for games, everything else is emulation. Funny I have a Xbox to play Nintendo games huh? I dont like the way Xbox had games put out, and I dont like the categorys that the Xbox games had been concentraited on and I am pretty sure the Xbox 360 is going to be the same way. If I am wrong? Ill buy it, when its on sale, but not before then. The only people getting my money fist launch is Sony or Nintendo. |
Completely off-topic, but in Dominican Republic (since pirating isn't illegal), they have cheap XBOX that have 3 sides filled with controller ports (10 controller ports, 4 mem card ports total) and they can play Gamecube, PS2, and Xbox games, I should know because I pwn one. :]
However, memory cards used in it can only be used in that system, otherwise they become messed up for some reason, and same with controllers and a few games... |
You sure you dont have a pre modded xbox, with GameCube and PS2 in the same box? Because Xbox cant emulate the same gen consoles as its self.
And, having extra control ports isnt illegal. Nor do I see it as pointful unless your using xbox-linux. Because, last I checked you can only use four at a time. |
You CAN install mods to your Xbox. I did it to morrowind, you just have to modify the XBox's BIOS, and boot an OS, then FTP the files over, and if the mod includes keyboard input, you MIGHT have to add in an XBox version IFDEF branch.
Morrowind for the PC is EXACTLY the same as Morrowind for the XBox, and Oblivion will be no different. If you get into the Morrowind scripting scene, you will actually find a constant switch called "XBoxVersion", or something like that, and if that is equal to 1, the game is being played on the XBox, if it is 0, it is on the PC. Cool, huh? |
Ehh.... What..? xD
Edit: Besides, I'd rather play the game it was made to be played. I am absolutely sure that everything in the game is better than anything I can come up with. |
XxDragonFlarexX wrote:
Besides, I'd rather play the game it was made to be played. I am absolutely sure that everything in the game is better than anything I can come up with. Ah, but is it better than what others can come up with? |
I am not very interested in mods anyways. TES games are large enough to play without mods. Also, I wouldn't go through the trouble of downloading other people's mods and hooking the cable to the thing or the button and the... err... what Ter said. :D
Well, what ever intrests you is always good. I guess.
Alot of people prefer PC games because they are moddable, and others because they are teh ultra pwn gfx lolz. On the xbox, most games can be modded in the same way as their PC counterparts though. |
FlameMarth wrote:
Completely off-topic, but in Dominican Republic (since pirating isn't illegal), they have cheap XBOX that have 3 sides filled with controller ports (10 controller ports, 4 mem card ports total) and they can play Gamecube, PS2, and Xbox games, I should know because I pwn one. :] Yeah uh, your going to have to give us a picture or link, because that is highly unbelievable. What the other guys said, its probly just a Xbox case with all the guts of the PS2 and Gamecube installed in it. And if that was the case, I fail to see why that system would corrupt CONTROLLERS or memory cards. Especally since controllers dont have OS or firmwares on it, its just pure and simple hardware. So unless you fried it out, using it on a different system wont kill it. How do I know? I have a Snes, NGC, Xbox, PS2 and Dreamcast to PC dongle and another for Xbox. Athough using a NGC controller on Xbox is pretty pointless. |
Exactly. I am a gameplay kind of guy myself, and I plugged in some mods like the Galleon mod, which gives you a ship that actually sails, as in, real movement, no teleporting, and then some mods that tweak the involvement of the game, mining, smithing, cooking, brewing, farming, and eating and drunkeness mods for the most part. I find the game much more enjoyable when I can actually custom-build my own house in-game anywhere I want.
As for the rest of this massive flamewar:
Does anyone really honestly care?
Stop and ask yourself this: why do you buy a console? So you can play videogames. Not so you can have it connect to the internet and chat for you, do your homework, or walk your dog. Why not stop argueing about which CONSOLE is the best, and start debating which GAMES are the best.
This is the problem with the gaming industry, they are TOO HARDWARE OBSESSED! If you focus on hardware, you get games that are all graphics and no gameplay. What would you rather play, a game where you walk around in a field, and look at the individual blades of grass wave in the wind, or Oblivion? Frankly, I see all these games coming out that are all graphics, and are just made to sell these consoles!
In the end, if you have all the RAM, processor, dashboard utilities, and bells and whistles in the world, a so-so game is still a so-so game.
Christ, am I the only person that understands this?