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Oy, I hate spam :(

I want to call shenanigans, but... :(

My mom would collect 100 bulk messages a day. I ended up having to just close that section of her email altogether. Now I get about 3 spam emails a day, and they never stop coming. >:( After I waited a month, I tried clicking some for an unsubscribe option and none of them offer one.

Although I do miss the occasional receiving of both breast and penis enlargements ads from the same company.
Is that an altered picture...tisk tisk...but yes, spam is not nice, but as long as you are selective about who you give your real email to, you will be good.
Would you like a gmail invite? My spam folder catches everything.

I delete nothing.
In response to Mike H
MyOfferz. You know you want them!
Why do people get spam in the first place? The only spam I ever get is from my friends doing those stupid beebo invites (or "WAYNE" or whatever), and then I just send them death threats and they stop.
In response to Elation
Same, or when Hiead submits my e-mail for something.
In response to Elation

People can submit your email address to stuff, or they can be guessed/sniffed out with search spiders. In a nutshell, once a spammer gets ahold of an address to send to, the guy can turn around and sell it to other people to spam and the cycle continues. :(

(Note: Using most common variations, it is possible to spell "Viagra" in at least 1,300,925,111,156,286,160,896 ways.) Grrr. Makes email filters rather useless. It's at the point where I'm ready to filter out every email sent to me that contains the dollar symbol, and even THEN I get stuff.
In response to Scoobert
Scoobert wrote:
Is that an altered picture...tisk tisk...

Heh, no actually :P

Free Image Hosting at

but yes, spam is not nice, but as long as you are selective about who you give your real email to, you will be good.

Oy, my e-mail is on countless message boards as well as website, I believe XD

In response to Sarm
I don't get any spam, My Email's so lonely :(
I don't receive much spam, but on occasion I do get emails (usually dealing with computers) in different languages (Spanish, Portuguese, and Egyptian) which is really annoying. Heh, in fact while writing this I decided to check my email account and got another email in English/Egyptian.

In response to Elation
I send death threats to companies that send me Spam too. It's amazing how quickly the E-Mails stop coming. And yes I am being completely serious.

In response to Sagittarius
They should take it seriously- that Russian guy who ran one of the biggest spam companies in Russia (I think) was found in his room with his head caved in by an angry email-user.
In response to Elation
I've given my gmail address out to about 3 people, all of them trustworthy, and it gets a few hundred spams a month. (I never use that account anyway, otherwise it would probably be more.)

Then again, I have noticed that some of it is addressed to, which Gmail seems to think is a misspelling of; so of course it sends them to me. -_- Which indicates that most of that spam is probably from spammers guessing email addresses.


Oh, and by the way, Hormel Foods requests that people use "spam" in lowercase to mean unsolicited commercial emails, and "SPAM" in uppercase to mean their brand of tinned meat. I learnt this yesterday. =)

Hormel Foods wrote:
Ultimately, we are trying to avoid the day when the consuming public asks, "Why would Hormel Foods name its product after junk e-mail?"

In response to Crispy
Gmail redirects mail to an address it thinks you may have wanted to email!?!?

WOAH. That's a totally massive security risk. I'm never going to use gmail. =(
In response to Elation
It used to, at least. Looking through my gmail now, I can't see any instances of it.

It's now getting about 800 a month, and almost ALL OF THEM are from "delivery status notification" errors. Meaning that spammers are faking my email address as the sender. BASTARDS!
In response to Sarm
give me 3 day all have 10000 spams in my yahoo spam thing
In response to Crispy
Watch your language on the forums, Crispy. ;p

I've had my email address for over 2+ years and I never get any spam...I hope I don't jynx myself.
In response to Elation
What, "bastard"? I think I'm on safe ground there. =) See [link], [link].
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