Yep. gov.doi.tess_public.servlets.VipListed?code=V&listings=0#A
Jmurph wrote:
It seems kind of odd that a mass kill is the solution to anything, but the midwest seems intent on wiping wolves out. Wisconsin is trying hard to reintroduce wolves, especially timberwolves, into our north woods where they have not lived in large numbers for decades. We consider them an important part of our ecosystem, even though they do hurt the hunting. |
Kujila wrote:
My state can legally teach Intelligent Design in class XD Yeah, nothing wrong with teaching religion in schools. Religious Education is taught in every English school and at my own, a GCSE in RE is mandatory. We learn the basics of many religions, such as Christianity, and like, some other ones (>_> dude, it wa 2 years ago. I can't remember <_<). It's funny because in America there isn't much teaching of religion in school, and yet America is a very profoundly religious country (clearly the education board is trying to enforce religious ignorance, it's all one big conspiracy!). |
Lucky... It's taboo here. The teachers are trying to drive our opinions to match theirs.
It wouldn't be so bad if they showed even a part of the alternate viewpoint or viewpoints. As an example: in Economics! Sorry, I just had to vent. I've had a bone to pick with UCS for 6 months and playing the "Schedule-change do-everything-you-can-to-ditch-him runaround game" with the counseling department for 4 days doesn't help my opinion of them. (Please, don't get this thread closed calling me a "Stupid moron" for not believing in Evolution or nonsense like that) --Vito |
I shoot all kinds of things, every year I goto the local state forest and kill every animal i possibly can up to the bag limit, that hunt was made for a reason not only elks, you have no clue what could be going on there, so I suggest you refrain from commenting unless you REALLY know the truth, the guy who posted that on his website said they are killing 50 wolfs so they dont kill elk, BULL thats not the only reason, possibly it could be invading peoples yards and killing there children? Do you fricking know this for sure? Would you rather have a wolf die then your own CHILD? Wait dont answer that you probaly think the wolf is more beautiful then your kid.
You guys are real cool you think you know everything about the spirt of hunting and the wild, but you barely know anything. ~Shattered Wings |
Oh? Wolves are dragging off children in Idaho now? Show me the newspaper article that says that.
Go on. You can't? Well, damn. I guess that makes your post irrelevant. Sorry dude, but them's the breaks. |
Can you say 'straw man'? Wolves are endangered, they aren't any threat to anybody, unless you go looking for them out in their territory, and there is generally no reason to shoot any of them. Just because you're trigger happy does NOT mean you can justify killing a significant proportion of an endangered species.
Crispy wrote:
Oh? Wolves are dragging off children in Idaho now? Show me the newspaper article that says that. Exactly. Wolves don't attack humans, unless they're diseased or crazy, or angered/threatened (Don't attack them =/). They don't go too near civilisation and will probably leave you alone if you are out camping if you just stay in your tent for a while. If they really were a menace to humanity, we would have stomped them out centuries ago. |
*must... resist...*
Nice try. I'm not going to argue with you. Don't bother. It'll just get the thread closed. --Vito | Documented%20Human%20Wolf%20Attacks.htm
Quote "In northwestern Colorado, an 18-year-old girl was viciously attacked while bringing in milk cows, she screamed and her brother, who was nearby armed with a gun responded to the scene and killed the Wolf. The wolf was a healthy young animal barely full-grown. This occurred in the summer about 1881 ( Grinnell,G.B; The Trail and Campfire- Wolves and Wolf Nature, New York, 1897) " Only rabbid wolves attack humans eh? Its called "Habituation- when wolves lose their fear of humans and approach too close" you guys are nerds you should know what it means, another factor predisposing wolves to attack people is Highly modified environments - this includes few natural wolf prey, human poverty and large numbers of unattended small children Think again when you say the wolves HAVE to have rabies to attack a human and crispy do you even live in idaho? Arent you from australia?? I myself live in idaho and yes there have been MANY attacks with people hiking not harming a thing, and only a small percentage of those wolfs had rabies. ~Shattered Wings |
Elation wrote:
Kujila wrote: I disagree, I hate religion, and it has no real foundation to teach upon. I don't want to hear or learn about religion. There are churches and CCD classes for that. Leave religion out of school. And on topic, kill the wolfs. |