Snopes says they are unsure if the Lion King has the dust clouds spell out SEX when the cub lands.
Honestly if I remember correctly, it was in the first print of VHS home videos, we were over at one of my adult friends houses and they had discovered it themselfs and showed us.
Its during that song where he is jumping around on all those animals, and when he lands if you pause it right, the dust clouds make a clearly visible "SEX" word in the dust.
Although, first print editions are gett5injg rarer now, and it is probly hard to prove or not.
I will look around on my own tape and take a picutre if it is true, how is that?
I was told about the movie by a friend. He said that it wasn't very good, basically I paraphrased his comments to me. That isn't my favorite film genre, in fact, movies of that kind are very close to the bottom of my personal list.
--Vito |
you can't tell me that the thousands, if not millions, of people who have watched this film (and a large chunk of that population *after* the DVD version came out), would not have noticed it before? that dozens of people who have analyzed the movie with either tech equipment or a simple slow-motion DVD player would not have said something years ago? heck, keeping something like that quiet would be damn near impossible. Well, I can tell you, reguardless of if it's true or not. And this was actually a noticed a few years back. It's actually been noticed by a lot of people. Have you seen the link Hiead posted? Who would be looking back there for any difficulties, anyway? If they were looking for any possible flaws, why would they look back there? The VHS hardly had the quality to show anything back there, and aside from that, the buyers wouldn't be looking back there. Why should they? It actually looks like she is being pushed around by the other munchkins; it didn't occur to them that she was dead. Answer me this: What does her age have to do with this anyway? Looks like a teen? |
Tell me this: How would the dozens of extras and cast leaving the stage not have noticed a hanging body? Plus, if they were leaving the set, you're telling me that not even 1 of them looked back at the set?
Or when they were tearing down the set, they wouldn't have noticed a corpse? "Hey Jim, is that Nancy? OMG!" "Nah, just a prop. Throw it in the trunk." |
But there are NO RECORDS of ANYONE attempting or committing suicide on the set. No newspaper reported it at the time, no radio station heard about it, NOTHING. PEOPLE ON THE SET WOULD HAVE NOTICED A DEAD PERSON. Ever heard of obituaries? There would be one of them. THERE AREN'T ANY. It NEVER HAPPENED. It's an urban myth - synonomous with WRONG.
Honestly, there's no way possible that no one would notice a dead body hanging next to them (or in front of them, as it appears there are people even behind this suspected hanging munchkin)
And do you really think that shot only took one take to get? Heck no! They were probably working on that for hours... Lines messed up, director yells CUT, they film it again... Something goes wrong, like Toto barks, they have to do it again... Over and over until they get it just perfect to go in the final version... So here's this hanging actress, with hundreds of people around, and NO ONE NOTICES IT FOR HOURS? Absolutely, positively, inarguably, IMPOSSIBLE... [Edit:] Another point to make: Hanging deaths are incredibly violent... You can't just silently slip your neck into a noose, and choke to death right next to other people... It takes some time, and it makes a huge commotion (tongues bitten off, legs and arms thrashing and/or twitching, choking noises, on and on) So, there's absolutely no way no one would have noticed someone killing themselves during filming... And obviously, if she had done it before shooting, everyone would have noticed her... Again, IMPOSSIBLE... |
Oh and I just thought of something..
I didn't have a chance to actully look at the stupid lion king thing, the one where he lands on the ground, and the dust swirls around.. but... Apperently there are like 3 or 4 possible examples of the word sex actully appearing IN the movie, or reports of it. It seems strange to me that so many instances of sex could possibly appear in the movie.. so either.. tons of people want sex to appear in the movie and just imagaine it, or someone actully did it, and tried to do it in a non-obvious way. Example, I found a picture of someone who had a big screen tv and hand an odd angle he took a picture of the star scene, where the word sex is supposed to appear. At a normal angle it looks like nothing at all. You take it at another angle and it indeed looks like the word sex. I am not speaking for everyone, but perhaps that was actully intended. If I was working on the movie, I would have added in easter eggs like that aways. Lion King was made for children, but it was made by adults. So of course this kind of stuff is going to happen. Anyways.. bla. |
How do you take a photo from different angles of a 2D surface displaying a 2D film? I just don't get that.
Maybe she hung herself before the last shot. Anyway, that's not what I'm posting about. Death by the rope is extremely brutal, correct, but not so much if you were to perform it as the gallows would. The rope would break your neck from the fall and you'd die instantly.
Regardless of how, when, where, or why, there's still absolutely no way all of those people would have missed that...
I think he's refering to that effect (there's a technical name for it, I'm sure, but I don't know it) where you draw a word or picture, but stretch it way out in one direction, and not the other, so it ends up distorted, and unrecognizeable from looking at it head-on, but when you tilt the paper (or your head, or whatever) perspective makes it look like it's back in the proper proportions, and you can tell what it says...
It sounds like he's saying that they added that hidden word using this effect, so you can only discern that it's there when looking at it from the side... |