My original title was going to be: "What's the longest BYOND project you have worked on?" but, I'd be interested in hearing about other personal game projects as well.
My first BYOND project took 2 months and had motivation assistance because of a contest.
My second BYOND project is coming up on two years! Wow.
This date is copied from my original vision doc. Fact is, I started thinking about the game well before this time stamp. I have some dates on hard copy somewhere. I'll have to dig em up.
Thursday, March 04, 2004
3:33 AM
The first year was spent on research, documentation, and prototyping.
Most of this second year was spent on attempted implementation and constant re-design.
The last couple of months have been spent on actual feature coding with moderate re-design. A lot of re-coding.. but only moderate re-design that is. :)
I'm starting to hit the final stretch I think. I've got a couple major features left but mostly it's all about bug fixes and tedious feature work. I came up with a great strategy and I hope it keeps me moving along.
When I look at my list of tedious features and bugs, I get instantly tired and try to scroll to something "fun" to do. Tonight, I gave up on this tactic. I decided to blindly pluck one item from each category, and place it my V5 work list. My V5 work list consists of 11 feature areas and each area has one work item. Now I get to bounce around from area to area with V5 being a reasonable commitment. This helps prevent that overwhelming feeling when you look at the master list of bugs and features. If this works, V6 will be done in the same manner.
Ooops, I've managed to get waaaaay off of my own topic. Oh well. Just sharing a little long term organization strategy. :)
So... where was I? Oh, I don't think unfinished games count unless they have some interesting story to go along with it. I've got a "nearly" countless list of unfinished game projects. I say "nearly" because I'm keeping count and the list is long. :|
Loose Criteria;
You completed it.
You sold it.
You are still actively working on it.
You were told to stop working on it.
You stopped working on it because of [insert interesting reason here].
you get the idea...
![]() Feb 9 2006, 10:48 pm
I have a few friends that made a Card game based on Naruto. They wion't ait until the japanese version comes to America so they took it into their own hands and made their own.
They have been working on it, and coming out with more and more cards. The longest game I worked on is my Dragonball Z game which I have actively worked on for the past half year. This is the 3rd time I had to remake it because I lost all the coding and Icons for it. |
While it's not making a game, I took over 3 years to get around to ripping this animation from Breath of Fire 3.
![]() Beat that time. :D |
Nice work Sarm ;)
I've recently took all my unfinished projects and smushed them into one big project. So I'd say about 2 and a 1/2 years with this. :P |
And Murder Mansion was begun in April of 2003...
They're both "finished" in the sense that they're playable... But DBTC is still being actively worked on, and MM is next in line to be worked on (have to always improve), so they'll probably never be truly finished...