I'm new to this whole hosting thing and I beleive my modem/router is weird with it. Byond's Dream Seeker says I am hosting on a certain port, etc. But no one can connect to me. I added to my Router a port forwarding thing between 1 and 9999 for it. But I still can not get someone to connect to me. Does anyone else have Verisan and had or knows how to fix this problem?
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Perhaps your modem isn't configured properly. Do you know if hosting works when you're connected directly to it (ie, without the router attached)?
Uh you don't need 1 to 9999 unless your hosting 9999 games. Somewhere between 2000 and 3000 is a good choice and by that I mean like 2500 to 2505. You only need like 1-3 ports open. Also you might need to set up a dynamic/static ip, to do that just google it.
In response to Caramonmajere
Caramonmajere wrote:
Uh you don't need 1 to 9999 unless your hosting 9999 games. Somewhere between 2000 and 3000 is a good choice and by that I mean like 2500 to 2505. You only need like 1-3 ports open. Also you might need to set up a dynamic/static ip, to do that just google it.

I used to use 2500, but I actually found over time that this is a tad low. I recommend going in the high thousands or somewhere from there to 50000.

Lummox JR