So how'd everyone's Valentine's Day go? (or not go, for some people)

I got my 'EGAL' (get it? lolol i'm so 1337) six red roses and a white teddy bear.
I don't have a girl-friend. *snif snif*
I just come home every Valentines day and cut myself.

[EDIT: I was just joking!!]
In response to Flame Sage
EMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KILL HIM!
Pretty snazzy, didn't get anyone anything, nor did I recieve anything. Although I chillaxed with my girlfriend we went to a snazzy dinner, at a snazzy restaurant, together. Then after I said 'That was pretty snazzy' and she said 'Yes, yes it was.'
I was sick. I was going to buy some flowers, but the girl who I was going to buy them for was sitting right there SELLING the flowers, and being as shy as I am, I could not have it.
In response to Audeuro
Ha! That's brilliant! I wish I had thought of that. Too late now. :-)
I walked around shops for half an hour, fretting about what to get my girlfriend. Then I was like "Sorry, I didn't get you anything". So I just paid for all expenses that day, got her a CD she wanted, and promised to buy her a fez (like what the monkeys wear).
I told everyone I had a date so they wouldn't think I was a loser, then came home to program on byond because I never get a chance to :P
I'm 16, and fat! And my girlfriend made me cupcakes with a message on them, and I ate them all :D. It was a good day. Forgot about it being valentines day and remembered about 11 p.m. last night. Good thing I already had her present.
My mom gave me $25 to Blockbuster.



Very good so far...Let's see..
I recieved a H.I.M watch from my girlfriend and gave her..

2 Roses in a vase thing(looked really nice) during school - $40

Got her more roses in a vase thing from my friend who has the hook up from a better store($58)

Viva La Bamb DVDs 4&5 - $32

All in all, good day.
Well, I don't have a girlfriend (evedently, nice, light hearted, and well paid doesn't quite compeat with looks <.<) so...
I didn't do much, I did, however, make a girl happy. There is a chick at my work who was bumbed out about not having a boyfriend this V-day, so I got her a stuffed bear during my lunch break, made her smile. I am not really interested in dating her, she is good looking and everything, but we are far too different of people.

Unlike most people, I don't get bummed out because I don't have a girlfriend on Valentine's day. Why, because I never have had one on Valentine's day, think about all the money I have saved!
Valentine's Day was pretty good for me. I've been giving out eggs. :)
In response to Scoobert
I gave my computer a brand new 120 gig hard disk. It rejected my gift by destroying the onboard sata raid :( Now i have to buy it a pci sata raid card to please it...
In response to Critical
Tisk tisk, did you not size the harddrive before buying it, most gifts get returned because of that...

Heh, I love my SATA raid0 of 2x160GB harddrives.
In response to Scoobert
Besides the fact that dating co-workers is a really bad idea?
Well let's see...

I bought my girlfriend this big stuffed animal, it was a furry dog, red and brown, really soft, she loved it and named it Hector.

I bought her a box of chocolates with a rose on top.

I then had a dozen roses in a vase delivered to school, along with my chocolates and two little stuffed animal dogs (her favorite animal is a dog), and when you pushed their noses together (it had magnets in each) the boy dog wagged his tail and said "I'm wild about you!". I also gave her two cards.

She gave me two little bears like the dogs I gave her, except they both said I love you.

She gave me two pairs of boxers, one which had I love you all over it, and the other with a bunch of nuts on it and said 'Look who's nuts'.

She gave me TONS of candy, I have been eating it since Valentine's day nonstop and still have atleast a bag full left :-D.

So overall, between me and my girlfriend, we had a pretty good day valentine's day.

My girfs for her:

12 Red Roses $21
Box of Chocolates $15
Stuffed Animals $18
Cards $7
In response to XxDohxX
I bought my girl a big Teddy bear for her trips. Something she can squeeze. ;) And a box of chocolates (cliche, yea?)
Besides it was the first time I had actually met my girlfriend. xD So it was pretty amazing. =)
I filed a motion for continuance and checked the case status of a consumer debt case!

Doesn't get much more exciting than that.

Oh, and everybody got a heart sucker in their office mailbox and there were lots of cookies, chips, dip and brownies on the 3rd floor. Plus the attorney next to me got a big basket of chocolate chip cookies that she was sharing.