Hey can anyone help me in any way.Well i wanted to play a game on the ps2 but it does evry time stupid my ps2.I need to give it some hits but it wont work (screen is black) can anyone know how i restore it?
Does it happen for every game?
If it only happens for this one game, try cleaning the disc with a lint-free cloth. Don't like, rub it too much, just from the inside of the disc to the outside (and not in a circular motion around the disc).
In response to Elation
no it happens with evry game and i hear this sound tic tic.but i hit it sometimes and the screen went black.
In response to Halovader
Sounds like the device that moves the laser around is going bad or getting stuck.
In response to Nadrew
yep thats somthing i know.but i know now how i can fix that sound but how do i fix the screen now cuz it all now black.
In response to Halovader
Hitting it won't fix it. A good rule of thumb when dealing with faulty electronics is not to repeatedly hit it with your fists. =p
If you still have the warranty, try taking it in to get it fixed.
In response to Elation
im not hitting it with my fist but with my goin to sell it anyways and im goin to lie that it has the chip that u dont need the cd more then 1 time XD.some peeps dont even test it and buy it XD.though i cant play MGS 2 subtance :(
In response to Halovader
Maybe your audio/video cord is just going bad?
In response to Digital Samurai
no i restarted it and hit it and suddendly screen was sorta bad.Some later screen gon
In response to Halovader
Anyway, I'll rephrase my post. Don't sell it and lie. That is low.

(Sorry Mods)
In response to Soccerguy13
I already know whats the problem i think.Cuz the ps2 want to get on and off.I think during those hits a cable went a little loose.