; This project is to make them release Earthbound 2/Mother 3 in the states.
Also, bombard the following adresses with Mail/E-Mail/Calls:
Nintendo Company, Ltd.
11-1 Kamitoba-hokotate-cho
Kyoto 601-8501
Phone: (011) 81 75 662 9600
All inquiries to Nintendo Company, Ltd. must be in Japanese.
![]() Feb 19 2006, 10:10 am (Edited on Feb 19 2006, 10:34 am)
They did this the first time with Mother 1 if I am not mistaken... And while it did get released, I don't honestly think it was because of their efforts and even if it was, it was a slap in the face because we still haven't seen any new Mother News for US shores in ages.
I love the Mother series, but I am not wasting my time. Nintendo is going to do what they want reguardless. |
I just read somewhere that Mother 3 rom is actully out now, so I need to find that.
I'm an Earthbound fan!
I remember way back before it even came out here, I had an ad for it from EGM that had scratch-n-sniff things for some of the monsters, and the smells were terrible (wait a minute, I still have my old EGMs, that ad might still be around here somewhere)... I knew I would love the game when it came out, if it was as wierd as that And I was right, Earthbound rocks! And then came Super Smash Bros (and then, SSB:Melee), and Ness has been my almost-exclusive character choice... And, coincidentally, I'm listening to Earthbound midis right now (I was looking for midis for a BYOND project, and I came across a list of Earthbound midis, so I've been listening to them)... Anyways, isn't that "new" one 3D? I don't know, but I think that might kill the old charm... |
I think it's going to be on the GBA, using almost the same type of graphics as the original. (Earthbound 2/Mother 3 was finished years ago, but never got the SNES release it was meant to get.) So it should seem like the same type of game.
Mother 3 was orginally designed and planned for the Nintendo 64 DD add-on. If you don't know what that was, it was a like a tape drive for the N64 system.
It came out with like Sim City DD and Mario Paint DD and a few others and then they shut the whole shebang down due to lack of intrest. The orginal Mother 3 was supposed to be 3D and had a very intresting plot I guess. From what I heard though the new one for the GBA has nothing in common with the orginal. As for the smelly stickers.. It came in the Earthbound Box set, which game with the guide, posters and the video game. In the back pages was a page full of stickers, which were bosses, charaters and monsters. You could like scratch the dog and it smelt like hot dogs. There was a contents where if you could tell what one of the stickers smelt like youd win a bunch of merchandise. Its kinda sad because Nintendo seemed to go all out for Mother 2 and then said scew it. :( |
|Nintendo said: | > This game stinks! | |@Ninte[ndo]! | It looks like you got EB's head handed to it. |@How about giving it another shot? | Yes No | |Nintendo said: | > No. | |@Oh well, it must of all been a bad dream. | |Nintendo said: | > DREAM?! It was a NIGHTMARE! | |You engage the weak nerd! | |Here's Wally[B]'s opening attack! |Wally[B] come out, shouts, kills you, and relizes the power of PSI X-Nintendo! \ You lose, Nintendo! P.S. I'm a PK Hacker! Yay! Now to get back to my shop hack. |
Uh where have you people been? Mother 3 will be out in about 2 months in Japan and you can pre-order it right now through
You can just import the game, or you can import a delux box set that comes with the game, a limited edition gameboy micor and a franklin badge pin. The game will set you pack around $40-50.00 imported and the delux box set will set you back $209.00 shipped. There are some elements and charaters from the cancled EarthBound 64 project, and you can see them in the screen shots. And while the backgrounds and tiles still look pretty much the same, the sprites have been updated for 8 different directions to face instead of 4, they also look a bit taller. If Nintendo dosen't release this in the states, I swear I will never buy another Nintendo product and I will become the worst kind of creature.. a Xbox Fanboi. |
I got a little confused reading Everybody's posts, so...
Mother/EarthBound [Zero] - Released In Japan/Canceled In USA "Beta" posted as rom. Mother 2/EarthBound - Released In Japan/Released In USA The game that started the mania we call (I think...)!!! Has 8 directional sprites for chosen four. Extra Party members use 4 directional sprites for 8 directions. Everyone else just has 4 directional sprites. Mother 3/[EarthBound 2] - Canceled In Japan/Canceled In USA A petetion came for this one after it's "death." There is NO rom (YET)!!! CorreyCorrey2000 is working on MAKING one. Mother 1-2/??? - Released In Japan/Canceled In USA A petetion came for this one after it's Japan release. Mother 3/??? - Soon To Be Released In Japan/??? In USA A petetion comes for this one. |
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[Quote] Sun, 19 February 2006 14:13
I told BYOND!
Go to the game maker fourm to see the real one. Note: Don't go there right now.
Put a link to byond. We need more earthbound lovers >.>